YOu have my prayers, too!
Frankly, as the dad of a young woman with schizophrenia, I find this comment extremely insulting and utterly ignorant.
My daughter has schizophrenia, disorganized type with paranoid overtones. She has been a Christan since she was eight years old, and her faith is often the only thing she can hang onto. When the delusions and overwhelming random thoughts drive her to the brink of utter depression, her prayers and faith are all that deliver her back from the edge of total despair. She sometimes sits, hugging a pillow to her body, rocking back and forth, doing nothing other than calling on the name of Jesus. If that sounds like a "possessed" or "demonically oppressed" person to you, you're spiritually ignorant as well as ignorant intellectually.
You need to prayerfully consider what you are going to post before you hit that "Submit" button. You were born about 300 years too late. You would have been well placed among the idiots in Winston-Salem that sent so many mentally ill young men and women to the stake. If you can't post anything more intelligent than this, don't post at all, please, and good riddance.
Double that for you.
My son killed himself in 1999, and he too was diagnosed with the same condition as your daughter. The problem was, due to divorce, my ex never informed me of his troubles, and kept both kids from communicating with me. When he took his life, it was almost 60 days before she called to tell me, and the only reason she did was because she needed me to take our daughter for a few months!
His mental illness, not sin, took his life as sure as terminal cancer takes the life of a person diagnosed with that disease!
He did well, on medicine, but when he felt like he was improving, he go off the meds, begin drinking and doing drugs [probably the reason he'd get off the meds], and end up in another mental crisis. Like asthma, diabetes, MS, cancer, heart disease, etc., mental illness ended his life way too early.
The church does a huge disservice to those who have mental illness when they throw a spiritual blanket over the disease and make it demonic! The devil does a lot in this life, I think we need to stop giving him credit for things he is not involved in!
Like I said, some mental conditions are demonic, and that can be said of other diseases too! For example, lung cancer usually comes about from smoking. It could be the sin of craving nicotine that eventually led to the lung cancer, but that doesn't mean the cancer was or is demonic. It may have been a result of a sin driven craving, but cancer itself is not demonic...alcohol may cause a person to drive drunk and kill themselves in a crash! Was it the alcohol or the sin of over drinking that brought about the fatallity in the car? Some people on this board drink. Does that make it a sin? That depends on your theology, but, they would contend that it is not a sin to consume alcohol, just a sin when the need for alcohol consumes the person who drinks!
I think those who blame mental illness on the devil and sin, need to take a step back and let the rational intellect of those who know best [medical professionals] about the root cause behind mental disorders, PREVAIL! Unless you know more than those who dedicated their life to the study of medicine, it is best to check your tongue at the door!
Whatsoever you judge another of will come back upon you as Jesus said in Matthew 7:1-2, " “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."