Paul of Eugene
New Member
Let me clue you in as to the difference between science and religion.Originally posted by Sounddoctrine04:
The argument against the theory of evolution can go on indefinitely when it is fought on the ground of this fact vs. that supposed fact.
The theory of evolution is a RELIGIOUS, not scientific (because in the end analysis, it has to be believed by faith), attempt to deny the existance of God, and therefore any accountability to such a God.
Religion deals with supernatural agents such as God and Angels, immortal souls, things we cannot verify scientifically. Religion deals in values, saying for instance that God wants us to be good, and describes what good means.
Science deals with what can be learned based on reasonable interpretation of physical evidence. It never determines values; it only observes things as they are according to the physical evidence. It takes note of how bacteria can evolve resistance to antibiotics without reference to whether that is good or bad.
Evolution is a theory that makes sense as a way of understanding the evidence. Therefore it is a scientific theory.
Evolution says nothing about values. Just because you have no descendents does not make you less valuable in the eyes of science, but it does have implications for the unique genes that make you up.
(I wonder why this is so hard for some people to understand?)