You are not understanding. The State cannot endorse one religion over another. It must allow all religions the ability to act according to their beliefs (excluding breaking laws such as murder and pedophilia).
However, government is sovereign over all religions and thus government can tell all religious groups that they must adhere to Covid19 mandates of distancing and mask wearing. They can do this because all religions are held to these mandates and because assembly is not forbidden. Churches can still freely meet online.
John MacArthur is skirting a fine line.
I have never stated that the govt is endorsing any religion.
Meeting on-line - that is a JOKE!
The COTUS allows us the free exercise -
and we choose to meet in person.
From our DOM
"But we missed the fellowship. I have always believed that effective Christianity is all about relationships. You can’t build relationships without spending time with folks. It used to be a joke around CNYBA that I always seemed to show up at a church when they were having a fellowship meal. Part of that was accidental, but some of that was intentional. It was at those fellowship meals that I came to know many of the lay people in our churches. Whether using a folk or chop sticks, there’s just sometime about “breaking bread” together that builds relationships. And there’s something about strong relationships that builds a strong association – especially when it comes to counseling, coaching, and/or catalyzing. You’ve probably heard me say it a hundred times, “It’s hard to have an association unless we associate.”
When the Govt tells us we cannot meet - the we must claim: Acts 5:29
Ref MacArthur - do agree what he is doing - simple yes or no will do.