As posted in Page 1.
In 1782 William Miller was born on the east coast of the United States. As a young man he was a farmer and during the war of 1812, he served as a captain in the American armed forces. In 1833 he was licensed to preach by a Baptist church but was never ordained. After having studied the Bible for two years, in 1818 Miller announced to the world that in 25 years (March 1844) Jesus Christ would return to the earth. At the height of his ministry, Miller had gathered some 50,000 followers, who had also become known as "Adventists." When March 1844 came and went with no sign of Jesus Christ having returned, Miller recalculated the new date to October 22, 1844. When Jesus did not return on October 22, 1844, the entire Millerite movement collapsed as his followers' Christian faith were destroyed. Miller revamped his doctrine to say that Christ had indeed returned, but that Miller had not understood that Christ first had to come to the "Heavenly Sanctuary," which He is now busy cleaning. Once Jesus has cleansed things up in heaven, He would be coming back to the earth.
The remnant that bought into this lie formed the Advent Church and in 1845 William Miller became its first president. The name was later changed to Seventh Day Adventists and after the death of Miller in 1849 a new false prophet came on the scene, this time a woman, Ellen G. White. At the age of 13, Ellen was taken to a meeting where William Miller spoke and was converted to the Adventist faith. During the month of December, 1844, Ellen was holding a prayer meeting in which she had a vision and felt that she was transported to heaven and shown that Christ could not come back to the earth until the Great Commission has been fulfilled. This revelation was later going to be mixed in with the teaching that Christ had come back in 1844, but that He stopped in the heaven sanctuary to first clean that up. Thus, like with so many other false movements, the leaders in the Advents movement had to cover up for the false prophecy of William Miller.
On August 30, 1846 Ellen married James White, who had been ordained into the Adventist church in 1843. Her ascension as a "prophetess" in the Seventh Day Adventist Church had now begun. During her years as the "seer" for the SDA church, she prophesied a number of predictions, which did not come true. One of the most blatant false prophecies she made was when she predicted before the American Civil war, that the Union would not be preserved but that the United States would be divided, slavery would not be abolished but England would intervene and declare war on the United States. Any student of history knows differently. But, like so many other false movements, these failed prophecies are swept under the rug and most Seventh Day Adventists today do not even know about them.
Like so many other cults, the doctrine of the SDA church evolved with time. The doctrine of Saturday as the Sabbath was not preached by William Miller, but came in later. Neither did Miller preach and believe in vegetarianism.
With the collapse of Miller's prediction that Christ would return in 1844, the movement needed a cause in order to survive. After the damage control had been completed and the SDA spin doctors had cured the disease, it was time for the SDA leadership to hammer out some kind of "theology" that could be used to attract new converts to their fold.
The teaching of vegetarianism came from the Whites. In1864 Ellen's husband became ill and Ellen nursed him back to health. After his recovery James and Ellen began to think about food and eating habits. Since just a practical experience would not do the job of changing the theology of the SDA church, Ellen had a "convenient" vision from the Lord, and vegetarianism was not introduced tot he church as a "THUS SAYS THE LORD." In 1866 the Western Health Reform Institute was founded at Battle Creek, Michigan. Despite the new vegetarian diet, James White died in1881.
Ellen was always writing for the SDA denominational publications, and wrote a string of books. One well known book and still pushed hard by the SDA members is, "The Great Controversy." It is important to note that Ellen was a proven plagiarist. The explanation of the SDA Church for her plagiarism, that there were no copyright laws back then does not excuse her "borrowing".
SDA's often make every effort to appear "evangelical", joining in with inter-ministry groups and trying to "blend in" with the Christian community. However, make no mistake about it, they believe they are exclusively correct because they recognize and follow Ellen G. White. Among themselves, they mock the Christian's beliefs, calling our concept of salvation, "cheap grace". They privately consider themselves to be spiritually superior to the rest of us.
The SDA Church made this statement in their "Ministry" magazine of October 1981 and has never retracted it:
"We believe the revelation and inspiration of both the Bible and Ellen White’s writings to be of equal quality. The superintendence of the Holy Spirit was just as careful and thorough in one case as in the other."
In 1782 William Miller was born on the east coast of the United States. As a young man he was a farmer and during the war of 1812, he served as a captain in the American armed forces. In 1833 he was licensed to preach by a Baptist church but was never ordained. After having studied the Bible for two years, in 1818 Miller announced to the world that in 25 years (March 1844) Jesus Christ would return to the earth. At the height of his ministry, Miller had gathered some 50,000 followers, who had also become known as "Adventists." When March 1844 came and went with no sign of Jesus Christ having returned, Miller recalculated the new date to October 22, 1844. When Jesus did not return on October 22, 1844, the entire Millerite movement collapsed as his followers' Christian faith were destroyed. Miller revamped his doctrine to say that Christ had indeed returned, but that Miller had not understood that Christ first had to come to the "Heavenly Sanctuary," which He is now busy cleaning. Once Jesus has cleansed things up in heaven, He would be coming back to the earth.
The remnant that bought into this lie formed the Advent Church and in 1845 William Miller became its first president. The name was later changed to Seventh Day Adventists and after the death of Miller in 1849 a new false prophet came on the scene, this time a woman, Ellen G. White. At the age of 13, Ellen was taken to a meeting where William Miller spoke and was converted to the Adventist faith. During the month of December, 1844, Ellen was holding a prayer meeting in which she had a vision and felt that she was transported to heaven and shown that Christ could not come back to the earth until the Great Commission has been fulfilled. This revelation was later going to be mixed in with the teaching that Christ had come back in 1844, but that He stopped in the heaven sanctuary to first clean that up. Thus, like with so many other false movements, the leaders in the Advents movement had to cover up for the false prophecy of William Miller.
On August 30, 1846 Ellen married James White, who had been ordained into the Adventist church in 1843. Her ascension as a "prophetess" in the Seventh Day Adventist Church had now begun. During her years as the "seer" for the SDA church, she prophesied a number of predictions, which did not come true. One of the most blatant false prophecies she made was when she predicted before the American Civil war, that the Union would not be preserved but that the United States would be divided, slavery would not be abolished but England would intervene and declare war on the United States. Any student of history knows differently. But, like so many other false movements, these failed prophecies are swept under the rug and most Seventh Day Adventists today do not even know about them.
Like so many other cults, the doctrine of the SDA church evolved with time. The doctrine of Saturday as the Sabbath was not preached by William Miller, but came in later. Neither did Miller preach and believe in vegetarianism.
With the collapse of Miller's prediction that Christ would return in 1844, the movement needed a cause in order to survive. After the damage control had been completed and the SDA spin doctors had cured the disease, it was time for the SDA leadership to hammer out some kind of "theology" that could be used to attract new converts to their fold.
The teaching of vegetarianism came from the Whites. In1864 Ellen's husband became ill and Ellen nursed him back to health. After his recovery James and Ellen began to think about food and eating habits. Since just a practical experience would not do the job of changing the theology of the SDA church, Ellen had a "convenient" vision from the Lord, and vegetarianism was not introduced tot he church as a "THUS SAYS THE LORD." In 1866 the Western Health Reform Institute was founded at Battle Creek, Michigan. Despite the new vegetarian diet, James White died in1881.
Ellen was always writing for the SDA denominational publications, and wrote a string of books. One well known book and still pushed hard by the SDA members is, "The Great Controversy." It is important to note that Ellen was a proven plagiarist. The explanation of the SDA Church for her plagiarism, that there were no copyright laws back then does not excuse her "borrowing".
SDA's often make every effort to appear "evangelical", joining in with inter-ministry groups and trying to "blend in" with the Christian community. However, make no mistake about it, they believe they are exclusively correct because they recognize and follow Ellen G. White. Among themselves, they mock the Christian's beliefs, calling our concept of salvation, "cheap grace". They privately consider themselves to be spiritually superior to the rest of us.
The SDA Church made this statement in their "Ministry" magazine of October 1981 and has never retracted it:
"We believe the revelation and inspiration of both the Bible and Ellen White’s writings to be of equal quality. The superintendence of the Holy Spirit was just as careful and thorough in one case as in the other."