Well-Known Member
That is actually a gross distortion, or misrepresentation (purposefully or ignorantly I leave for you to say), on the Biblical teaching of the Investigative Judgment. There is more than the Investigative Judgment, as this is only a part of the overall Judgment of God. There is also the executive Judgment, etc, also a part of the whole as well.
The Investigative Judgment does not concern itself with the non-professing (in Christ Jesus), such as Belshazzar or the already condemned satan and his angels.
You may see that here:
Powerpoint here -
There are three groups of humans:
[1] My Lord and My God
[2] Lord, Lord, and do not the things ...
[3] I know not the LORD
The Investigative Judgment concerns itself with just the first 2 groups (see Ezekiel 9, two groups inside the city). The third group is automatically condemned (those outside the city).
For instance:
Joh 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Are you saying Jesus Christ did not know the saved condition of Adam, Eve, Abel, Enoch, Noah, Moses, Elijah (who was taken up to Heaven), or any of those sheep of whom He said, "My sheep hear my voice. I know them and they follow me? (John 10:27).
Also, consider another pertinent verse, "Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his" (2 Timothy 2:19).
Furthermore, by declaring the third automatically condemned, you are assuming Jesus knew infallibly they would not or did not repent. Therefore, they stand condemned upon their death.
But if Jesus knew who, exactly, would not or did not repent, He also knew who would or did repent by the time they died.
The foreknowledge of Christ is not divided, able to foresee only certain things. The Lord knew all who would or would not believe before the creation.
Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world (Acts 15:18).
Mankind is the work of God, as is every individual ever born.
Thus, He had no justifiable or biblical reason to wait until 1844 to determine their saved or unsaved condition. Such anti-biblical reasoning is that of a false prophetess.
Do you not see the untenable position you and your cult hold?