Okay, but now we have a handle on it...
Pigs fly...
...and know what we need to do to open the country.
Yes, and we this needs to be done slowly, carefully, methodically and in phases, NOT just slam open the doors and let loose! Do you not know what I am responding to? Educate yourself:
Everyone should open back up by May 1.
Does that sound like the precautions we need to take?
If grocery stores can remain open, why not other stores like Best Buy?
Because grocery stores are essential and it is being accessed with social distancing and making less trips, yet still carries a risk. The reason other stores are closed is to facilitate slowing the spread of the virus, duh. Obviously opening all the other stores would greatly increase the risk of spreading the virus because COVIDIOTS would show with their kids at best buy and leave them to play on video monitors while they browse around and cough on things.
At some point you cannot let the cure be worse for the country (economically and mentally) than the disease.
True, but we are far from that point and much greater threat is a surge of the spread of this virus and still that fact remains that we need to use great caution while slowly opening it back up to avoid a tragic surge, but that is not what people are saying they are suggesting we just open it up and let herd immunity take care of it. - pure insanity!
As for dying, people die all the time so don't use that as an excuse.
We weigh things out against each other and then act accordingly.
If someone wants to open it up right now and just let it run its course their scale is off balance.
The question we now need to ask is do we destroy the nation in order to save it? And what would we be left with then, a socialist entity from top to bottom? No thank you!
Those that want such a thing are using this virus (which is one of many that affects humanity) to their own advantage. Witness Andrew Cuomo who wants unlimited monetary resources from the Feds to pay down the big debt he ran up before the virus hit, or Whitmer from Michigan who has become absolute dictatorial with her actions.
I am well aware of the hyper political narrative that fuels this bandwagon, in fact I imagine Tucker Carson with a whistle in his mouth leading it, but I don't sit at home shaking about a socialist takeover conspiracy because my focus is on the reality that this virus left unchecked and allowed to run its course could kill easily kill millions in a short time! At this time there is no comparison between the damage, via suicide, and the threat this virus is capable of, people are not starving to death in this country, if your first priority is not looking at what will protect the most lives then your priorities are seriously messed up. What is more important money and temporary comfort or a person's life?
Enough already, it's time for us to re-open the country and get everyone back to work so we can live our lives....
Hard to live your cushy little life when you're dead because of being too anxious to get your cushy back!
...as God intends for us to always do.
I think God would have us disregard the money and hardships and bless us for trying to protect the lives of our friends. You seem to be looking at it as to suggest we let nature take its course or like the abortionists who use the excuse the child would lead a life of poverty so it better off dead.