Mike said
"There is a difference between welcoming all into the church and lowering your standards to make them feel like they are right at home. Do you not agree with this? "
I agree with this statement. I dont know about all seeker type churches. I know nothing about Willow Creek. I did read 40days of Purpose and disagreed with much in that book (I hated it actually), so I imagine Saddleback would not be the church for me. There are about 3 seeker style churches in my area, and I have only been to one of them, but the one that I have been to stems off from another one of them, so they are very similar. The third one is a Lutheran based seeker church, and I have heard that it is very good indeed. (though, doctrinally, I wouldn’t agree with a lot.)
I can only speak for the one I have been to, and it is the most liberal out of the 3.
Yes, there have been some things that I have definitely raised my eyebrows at. There have definitely been some things that I personally felt were inappropriate, but this is really not different from any church I have ever been to.
The focus is definitely on God's love in these types of places, and understandably so. The world knows so much about what we are against already, but very little about what we are for. These types of ministries exist to tell the world what we are for.
However, I don’t think you could truly stay too comfortable for too long in this church as an unbeliever. You will hear some strong preaching. I have heard the preacher tell everyone to throw out their television sets if they cant stop watching wrong television. Also, once they took a month and talked about sex. They had fellows from Exodus international come and speak out against homosexuality. (which was the best preaching I have ever heard on the subject. It was so enlightening coming from ex-homosexuals) They speak out very strongly against pride and selfishness every week. They speak very much for helping "the least of these." They talk about thankfulness a lot. They have outreach after outreach for the lost. This is their ministry. This is what this church is set out to do. Most of the congregation on any given Sunday are not members. They are simply seekers. (I do believe that there are seekers. I know that someone dedicated their post in saying that there aren’t. I don’t believe that anyone seeks unless God moves them to seek, but seeking they are nonetheless.)
Lets think about the Pastor of this church for a second. I know him and his wife personally. I know that this man has a passion for the lost. He has been known to approach a homeless man on the street who nobody else would look at and start up a discussion with him and get to know him and buy him a coffee or something to eat whenever he knew that he was going to pass him by. He really had a burden on his heart to begin a ministry like this that would cater to the lost and get after them with the gospel. He has said to me that our culture has changed so much that typical church doesn’t make sense to them anymore. We need to find a way for the gospel to make sense for them. Make no mistake. He means in no way watering down the gospel in order for it to make sense. He simply means.. "lets use some video. Lets use music that they can relate to. Lets ask them about their hurts. Lets teach them what Jesus says about this without bashing their lifestyle the second they get in the door. Lets first give them Jesus."
Scripturally speaking, from this mans perspective, he is going out into the world and preaching the gospel. Their facilities were once in the Royal Oak music theater. He had them in the heart of a very popular metro-Detroit city so that they would get walk ins, as Royal Oak is always hopping with young people. Guess what? They got a LOT of walk ins. Hundreds of people have now heard the gospel because of this ministry.
I think the problem perhaps that some of you have with me is that his ministry is called a church. I think that a church exists within this ministry. Once you become a core member, then you are pulled in and trained and equipped for witnessing. Their stand is relationship witnessing in case you were wondering, but they teach the core members how to do this. The core members have prayer teams and meetings and do most of the work for the Sunday services, and from the ones I know, I can assure you that they love Jesus. They really do have community and love. Lots of good fruit from what I can see.
I don’t think that there is anything wrong with stepping into a culture and relaying the gospel in a way that they can understand. Missionaries have to do this all the time. Why do you think we sing the kind of hymns we do? I don’t think that they sound much like hymns back in the bible days. (I could be wrong, but I really don’t think I am.)
I remember a thread a long time ago.. probably close to 2 years ago now where this was being discussed. Helen wrote out something that made sense, saying that the church meeting is the one thing that IS for believers, and it shouldn’t become an outreach tool. I agreed with her at that time and still would IF churches were doing what they should be doing in the first place, but I have not found one yet. I like my church a lot. It means a lot to me. My husband and I have grown since attending Warren Woods Baptist, but I still think that they, like most churches are lacking in training and equipping.
I think the problem really is that churches aren’t equipping their members for witnessing. I am included in this. I want so much to share Jesus with my friends and family, but I always end up stuttering or sounding judgemental or screwing up the timeline of my testimony. I think that what happened is some Christians got fed up with the lack of training and decided that they needed to find a way to reach the lost that their traditional churches were not doing, and the seeker sensitive church is what they came up with.
There is nothing unscriptural about preaching the gospel to the lost, even if the lost have been invited in, rather than the church members going out.
As far as a Christian punk rock concert goes..
Hmmm. I would not like this one bit. I would probably look around and think..”this has nothing to do with God at all!”
If I was a punk rocker, I might look around and think.. ”wow, God even loves me. Let me hear more!”