Why would anyone want to fellowship in such a church that excluded the sinful?
Those who have experienced such trauma need the Scripture teaching, but how much more do those of the holy huddle of exclusively righteous.
Certainly, the Scriptures teach exclusivity as far as leadership, but to seek to join an assembly that would not allow fellowship with and shun damaged souls is just wrong!
Paul said, "such were some of you" and in my experience, the assembly that is honest before God will acknowledge that All were such as you. Who did the Master invite and who were compelled and actually came?
The OP is somewhat misguided in seeking that which is not yet available.
Nor is does such exist in the church to date.
We ALL have spot and wrinkle but will be presented without spot or wrinkle. Church exists to help understand how wash out the spots what it takes to iron out the wrinkles. if you are already spot free and without wrinkles you are either dead in self righteousness or dead of this flesh and in the presence of the King of Kings.