Not superior! ! - Awaken
Paul says we are to desire spiritual gifts!
First, prayer is not the only use of the gift of dialects (14:6,15) as you can use it for anything you can do in English - prophesy, sing, teach doctrine, reveal a revelation, sing, preach, etc. So the gift of dialects is hardly restricted to praying.
Second, by claiming prayer in dialects is praying "in the Spirit" you are denying that all prayer in your own dialect is praying "in the Spirit." Remember, we provided hard Biblical evidence to prove that praying "with" and "in" are inseparable as you cannot possibly pray "in" the Spirit if you are not also praying "with" the Spirit. Go back to the Biblical evidence I presented before attempting to respond or you will be embarassed.
Not contradict! I explained
Your explanations are not inspired! The Word of God is the only inspired Word we have from God and even from your perspective it is at least FINAL authority over the present opinions of men regardless of their claims.
Your explanation stands in direct contradiction to verse 10 and verse 30. You can't have it both ways.
all are called to in the ministry, those in the ministry are equipped with certain gifts of the Spirit in order to fulfill their office or function in the Body. Eph. 4:8 list those ministry offices that God calls them into. 1 Cor. 12:28 list those same ministry gifts but in a different way.
Your reasoning was fine until you applied it to verse 28. Verse 28 includes more than the public ministry offices but spirtual gifts in addition to ministry funcitons in the body. However, verses 6-11 do not refer to the public ministry (Eph. 4:8-12) but to the common member in the body as presented in verses 12-27 and yet verse 10 lists tongues equally to verse 30. Again, verse 10 compared to verse 30 repudiates your "opinion."
Second, the ministry function of apostle is listed in the same manner with "tongues." They are not two different public ministry functions but verse 28 is listing the order of importance in two different categories (1) ministry functions (apostles, prophets, teachers, etc.) and (2) gifts. Verse 29-30 denies that either ministry functions or gifts are options available to all believers. Your idea is like "musical chairs" but Paul's idea is designed persons for certain functions in the local church body (v. 27) some functions are public leadership ministry functions while others are follower functions necessary for the body to meet its mission. The gifts match the design for the member. Verses 14-18 contradicts your musical chair hypothesis. If your musical chair hypothesis were correct than all could be the eye rather than Paul' s clear repudiation that all can't be the eye. Neither does he qualify it "one service at a time" as you do - that is your manipulation of scripture to make it fit your system.
14 For the body is not one member, but many.
15 If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
16 And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
17 If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?
18 But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.
those called to the "five fold" minstry.
Read verses 1-3 and especially verse 3. Those things listed in verses 3-7 are essentials for any local church body to remain united as a body. All members are called to be united on these things. There are no special members called to these things but these things are the "bond of unity" that keeps the body together at Ephesus or Corinth. The function of the ministry in verses 11-12 is to lay down these foundations of unity so that the body is not tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine. Ahhh you are simply destroying the meaning of the immediate context to suite your make believe doctrines.
The Apostles and prophets provide the inspired Word of God as the basis or foundation upon which these essentails rest. The Evangelist plants churches by laying these things in the lives. The Pastor teacher confirms and reaffirms these things by continued teaching
Then he list "diversities of tongues"...and the answer is "NO" because not all are called into speak in tongues as a ministry gift. He is not speaking of when people are baptized in the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues..because Acts shows that everyone spoke in tongues. Again...ministry gifts are only refer to those who are called into the ministry.
This is pure fantasy imagination! Verse 10 proves you are wrong as it is listed in a context or regular believers among spiritual gifts in a context that denies that tongues are available to all beleivers but only those to whom the Holy Spirit sovereignly bestows (v. 11).
If you restrict verses 28-30 to merely ministry functions then again Paul denies all within that category are apostles or can speak in tongues either. However, according to your "musical chairs" hypothesis in one meeting a person is not an apostle but in another meeting or circumcstance they might be an apostle.
When are you going to let the Biblical context determine the Biblical meaning instead of forcing it into your external system of doctrine??