Lindsay Graham, Republican from South Carolina sits on the Senate Internet Policy Subcommittee and yet has never sent an email. Does this make sense? It is like putting an Old Order Mennonite, who are wonderful people, but only use horses and buggies, on the Transportation Committee.
You might think that, for a senator to sit on the Internet Policy Subcommittee, he would need some familiarity with the basic functions of the internet — but as we learned this weekend, you would be wrong. Speaking with Meet the Press on Sunday, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) gleefully confessed that he has never sent an email, despite his prominent role in shaping our nation's web policy. The senator's inexperience came up during a discussion of Hillary Clinton's controversial decision to host her own private email rather than use her official State Department account. But Graham one-upped Clinton by swearing off the system entirely. "You can have every email I've ever sent. I've never sent one," he told NBC's Chuck Todd. "I don't email."