With the dearth of information provided, lets assume your agenda is to better adorn the gospel of Christ for the cultural norm in your local. To become all things so that you might win some.
Thus, meet with the lady and develop a common plan toward a shared goal. We will do this, and evaluate in say 6 months. Our church had a battle over what kind of music, with old folks wanting hymns and younger folks (our young pastor) wanting contemporary music. So our first service stuck with traditional, but the second service shifted to contemporary. After one year, attendance at the first service was flat line, but attendance at the second service had nearly doubled. When faced with this evidence, even the old geezers like me voted to change the music in the first service so we too might win some.
Thus, meet with the lady and develop a common plan toward a shared goal. We will do this, and evaluate in say 6 months. Our church had a battle over what kind of music, with old folks wanting hymns and younger folks (our young pastor) wanting contemporary music. So our first service stuck with traditional, but the second service shifted to contemporary. After one year, attendance at the first service was flat line, but attendance at the second service had nearly doubled. When faced with this evidence, even the old geezers like me voted to change the music in the first service so we too might win some.