Originally posted by dianetavegia:
'Ruling a house' is a day to day affair. I don't think you can compare 'Johnny not doing his homework last Tuesday night' with divorce and yet Daddy didn't have control over Johnny that one night.
I disagree completely. Divorces don't occur after one day's worth of problems and failures either.
I count most of the responsibility for most divorces as the man's failure to lead and love properly.
Some here think that I am liberal because I don't think a past divorce necessarily disqualifies someone from biblical offices requiring them to be "one women men". But on the contrary, I would apply the standard to a man's character more stringently than apparently they would.
I believe there is nothing in the passage that would disallow a divorcee who through sanctification has become a godly man with regard to his relationships with women.
OTOH, a man who is not in control of his fantasies and thought life should be disqualified. How do you find out? Ask.
A man who flirts with other women as a course of habit or is flattered by the attention of women other than his wife should be disqualifed.
A man who does not love his wife with consistent Christ-like love should be disqualified. A man who doesn't treasure his wife and put her before himself consistently should be out. The man should be in control of his eyes and heart.
A man who does not demonstrate Christlike servant leadership of his wife should be disqualified. If she is frustrated by his leadership or behavior then there is reason to question. If he doesn't defend her and provide for her emotional, spiritual, and physical needs.
A past divorce
should cause a deacon committee to ask certain questions. I would focus on thought life and self-sacrifice toward the former spouse.
I don't think there are many women who will give up a husband who loves them according to biblical principles. On the same token, I don't think a man who loves his wife that way will abandon her or commit adultery. If a man is consistently a "one woman man" in thought and deed, he will be able to resist temptation.
Would we say because Mr. Smith drank too much beer after a football game in college that he's a drunk? Nope. He drank to excess one time. Divorce is forever. Divorce is not a one time boo boo. God HATES divorce.
Diane, Divorce is the ultimate result of a whole bunch of sins. God can forgive the divorce and those sins. If a man truly repents and changes then it is not a perpetual sin.
God hates lying. Do we disqualify someone who used to be a habitual liar then overcame it through sanctification? How about a workaholic or unethical businessman that truly repented and has demonstrated a change for years?
God hates all sin. Not just divorce. To be consistent, you must disqualify anyone who ever had a habitual problem with any of the qualifiers... or any other sin probably whether they have truly changed or not.
Divorce is a sin. But is no more a sin that cannot be repented of than not ruling one's house well.
Divorce is not an option in our home, Scott. It never WAS an option.
Neither is it in mine... nor is it in the homes of some people who have already experienced divorce- Like my wife.