Would you agree that automobile emissions and factory smoke causes smog? Ever been to LA on a really bad day? When you fly in you can see a brown cloud hanging over the city. Air pollution can make it difficult for some people to breathe and is dangerous to our health. Agreed? To reduce air pollution you must reduce emissions from cars and factories. it turns out that's exactly the same thing we need to do to combat global warming. Even if you don't accept the fact of global warming why do you support increasing air pollution? Why not reduce emissions to reduce pollution?
As I stated a ways up the thread, I am not against regulations per se. The issue is global regulations. I have amply documented in this thread why I am concerned about the push for global regulations. I stand by my concern about the means that are being pushed. I stand by my concern that the ends do not justify the means.
Likewise, I stand by my distrust of those who would oversee it all. I have documented in this thread that they are not truly good stewards of the environment. Had you clicked on my link in the post where I first mentioned Prince Philip, you would have been horrified by what you had read about all the large environmentalist orgs. I suggest if you really care about the environment that you go back and find that link and read it.
Hunter gatherers have been forced from their ancestral hunting grounds. Their lands have been grabbed. Resources have been extracted from those lands, and often pollution and resource depletion have been the result. Seized lands have been used to wage war, as in Rwanda. The hunter gatherers of Africa have been stopped from their traditional controlled burns of the savannas. The result has been that the tse tse flies have become a huge plague, having a negative impact on the ecosystem. The hunter gatherers may not be perfect. They might kill monkeys to eat their meat sometimes. They may care more about feeding their kids than saving the elephants. But they were actually better stewards of their ancestral hunting grounds than their land seizers have turned out to be.
It gives me heartburn, because I have spent most of my adult life on the other side of this issue. In fact I used to have books in my personal library about mothers taking on toxin producers for the sake of their children, starting with Love Canal.
Did you read where I said Prince Philip shot a mother endangered black rhino and orphaned her baby? Did you know he founded WWF? I will provide the link one more time.
Edited to add: This page seems to have changed since I read it about three years ago. Some of the more shocking and incriminating facts seem to have been removed from it. Also, I have to completely disown the author's racism and imperialism and elitism. He is not what he used to be like when I first discovered him.
The 1001 Club: Bankers and Raw Materials Executives Striving for a Sustainable Future
You never provide me any links or documentation, nor do you read mine. Is that how you roll? I have offered to read anything you care to link to.
What do you think the solution is? Do you put faith in the UN? Do you think humans deserve that much faith? Is there a solution that does not involve the whole world being tightly controlled by global overseers in the future? If you know what it is, please share a link or a book, and I will be sure to read it.