I shared with our folks on Wed. night, after our Bible study, that I have not seen the movie and do not plan to. I firmly do not believe that Christians should be attending the movie houses.
Yet, I expressed the fact that the movie will get folks to talking; at work; school; among family & friends etc. That will give us an open door to share Christ with folks.
I do not see thousands - millions etc. getting saved by watching this movie....
I do not believe it is an out reach to win folks ...
I do think that it will give us opportunity to share what Christ has done for us when we got saved. etc.
Just like when 9-11 happened; earthquakes etc. & the such .... it gets folks to thinking and to talking and that is where we can listen and then tell them about the Christ of the Bible .... simply ... the plan of salvation.
Should Bible-believing Christians support the movie The Passion of The Christ?
Is it The best evangelical opportunity we’ve had since the death of Christ, as has been proclaimed by so many evangelical preachers?
Some Observations/Objections:
1. The Movie’s Origin & Medium
· It is a Roman Catholic movie – represents a very different doctrine of salvation
· Its stated purposes are to increase Catholic Conversions & Devotion
· Gibson, a conservative dedicated Catholic, It reflects my beliefs
· Pope, It is as it was
· Daily mass was held on the set during filming & resulted in many conversions to
· Yet, it has been called a new & better way to spread the gospel by many
· A popular evangelical preacher: People don’t interact with the lecture on Sunday
morning anymore—modern day techniques are needed to communicate the Bible
What does the Bible say about our responsibility as preachers?
2 Tim. 4.2-4 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
· We must preach the Word—this cannot be replaced by any other medium
· 1Co 1:21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe
· It is a sad day indeed when Bible-believing Christians turn to Hollywood and Roman Catholicism to help evangelize a lost world
2. The Script of the Movie
· Said to have been Based entirely on gospel of John — yet, has much extra-
BIBLE dialogue
· If it is an evangelical tool, it should not contain anything not recorded in Bible, or
would be confusing to the seeker
· Languages of Latin & Aramaic are said to give it a feel of authenticity
· BUT, language of Jesus day w/ Hebrew & Greek
· Latin & Aramaic were used for theological reasons: to urge a return to 16th
Century Latin Mass
· Gibson, I wanted to combine the sacrifice of cross with the sacrifice of altar
(Catholic Mass) and languages are part of this for me
This brings us to the theology of the movie:
3. Theology
· Gibson, This movie reflects my beliefs like nothing I’ve ever done before (the
traditional Catholic Latin Mass)
· Basic Catholic belief is that the intense physical suffering of Christ is the most important part of the crucifixion, thus the heavy violence in the movie
· Christian theology places primary importance on Redemption through the Propitiation of the blood of Christ — the blood sacrifice paying for our redemption ONCE FOR ALL
· In Catholic theology—the suffering is repeated constantly—in the Mass, Christ is crucified over and over again (displayed in the crucifix and Catholic icons)
· Catholic theology of salvation is totally dolorous (grief, sorrow, dismal) The emphasis is on physical agony of Christ and is repeated in all the masses, prayers & devotions - again, therefore the movie is very graphically violent
· Paul said, I glory in the cross because of its redemptive power and victory over sin and the grave - Resurrection is the focus, not suffering
· Christ did certainly suffer the agony of the beatings & crucifixion, but those pains are not to be compared with His suffering by becoming SIN for me.
Some Closing Notes
1. The film is not designed to bring people to saving faith in Christ, but for
entertainment & to promote Catholic theology
2. The film is given to express the faith of dedicated conservative Catholic (Mel Gibson) & bring people in touch again with sacrifice of the altar in the Catholic Mass
3. The film has a good deal of artistic additions, so should not be considered totally faithful to gospel account
4. If anything, the film portrays the great NEED for salvation (my sin did crucify Christ)
5. We must follow up with those who are seeing it and give them the complete gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ which includes: Repentance & Faith in the shed blood (not in the physical suffering) of the Lord Jesus Christ.
6. God did use pagan kings in OT to do His work (used a donkey once, too) and, if He so chooses, God can use Mel Gibson and a Hollywood film to bring attention to His Son (as unlikely as it may seem)
7. Sadly, there is a great danger that Christians may now make a habit of going to a theatre for their theology & inspiration (Gibson speaks of other follow-up movies about the Bible) and they may become numb or lethargic to the preaching of the cross by a Spirit-filled preacher.
Will I go see the movie?
No — I think I’ll stay home & read The Book & pray the God will open doors to reach some of the lost people who will see it. May God help us to seize the opportunity to witness for Him these next few weeks while millions are watching a portrayal of our Savior's love for them. To God be the Glory!
Charles Bonner
Bible Baptist Church
Selah, Wa. 98942
Annual "Soul Winning" Conference
Where: Bible Baptist Church of Selah, Washington
Dates: March 9-10-11, 2004. (Tues. - Wed. - Thurs.)