Let's not engage in revisionism here. You made an assertion that UAF in voter registration probably meant Antifa. I pointed out that the obvious meaning of UAF, which is "Unaffiliated" and pointed out that you shouldn't try to tie the shooter to Antifa without evidence.
You responded with one of the most defamatory slurs against me that I've ever seen in this forum - a slur that has been removed from a moderator and was even condemned by someone who rarely agrees with me about anything.
To now claim that you were simply "bouncing" things off of friends as part of a broad discussion is simply a false narrative.
I am a man who has a thick skin, but your slur was so far over the top and contemptible that it was startling and surprisingly hurtful since I have connections to that congregation through a college friend who has lost many church family members. You are not the injured party here and I'm frankly stunned that you were not suspended. Now I wish the moderators had let your comments stand so other people could see what kind of person you are.
I trust the moderators to do what is best, so I am even submitting this response to you to their discretion.
I am also not going to dignify any more of your assertions with a response.
First off, [Rule violation edited] (and I don't know of the other reply you mention) I am not sure exactly how to proceed. I am not sure, but [Rule violation edited]. I thought I linked my comment to the YouTube person/video that was discussing the exact same things I was talking about. I remember I could not in good faith post a picture of Devin Patrick links on FB to BB because it had a bad word in it. So yeah, I was throwing out stuff that was was NOT as obvious as you claim since they also thought "UAF" was United Against Fascism in the video. Was the YouTube video linked or not, I thought I linked it, [Rule violation edited] because they also showed a flash of the shooters "like" page. Anyway I guess people following this can PM me and I will give them the URL of the video I thought I posted with my comment. Who knows, I was tired, perhaps I didn't link the video to my post... again hard to say one way or the other [Rule violation edited].
When I logged back to BB, I remember a flash or something [Rule violation edited] for a split second, but it did not last long enough for me to digest it. Perhaps because out of habit I was already clicking a link on page and thus cleared it by mistake before I got to digest what it said. [Rule violation edited]
Now Revisionist history you claim.... good grief... I claimed the guy was a militant atheist and that I could NOT confirm he was "antifa" as others were claiming. Here is my exact quote (or what is left of it)... QUOTE "the antifa link some claimed I can not confirm".... stop putting concrete words in my mouth, it is obvious I was fishing for more definite information t... proof one way or the other.
You said....
Only someone who is determined to blame people they don't like would assume "UAF" somehow stands for Antifa.
I take this to mean blame Devin Patrick... which I did... He was a mass murdering godless wife beating scum, and deserved scrutiny. The MSM was using some website that said he loved kids and taught Bible to portray him otherwise. And (I thought) that you were defending him because he somehow deserved to be protected. IMO... I didn't think someone that did this deserved any such protections (or liked). I still don't, and if that gets me tossed from this web site, so be it. It made me think that you want to make the killer a "victim" above being vetted because it was mean.
The media was making much ado that Devin listed that he taught a month as a teacher aide for a Vacation Bible School. I have not searched to see if this was true or just someone padding their resume to look good. I was pointing out (at least in my mind) that his FB like page sure didn't back up that he was Christian in any manner and that personally when someone who hurts as many folks as he did (including yourself as you point out), did not deserve being tore apart.
Perhaps you meant something else... hard to know. But if fishing for answers against a cold blooded killer is off limits, perhaps you are right, this isn't the forum for me.