Not sure which John Piper video was supposedly linked in the OP, but lets discuss the one that says God has predetermined everything. This one clearly says God is the author of sin. It says when God's hand caused Christ to die on the cross, that was God causing the biggest sin.
And then because this "truth" will drive you crazy, we should turn a blind eye.
Horse feathers.
He tries to make a silly argument that runs this way. Since God established creation and whatever physical laws that govern it, such as "F=MA" He has a specific purpose in mind for each throw of the dice. In other words the numbers that come up are not random because physics actually determines what comes up. So the linkage, is God cannot create an environment which operates by predetermined rules and autonomous actions of men who throw the dice. No, God specifically caused those numbers to come up, rather than allowed whatever the combination of governing principles caused to come up. Piper cites, vaguely, Proverbs 16:33 which says the lot is cast into the lap but its every decision is from the Lord. All this says is God either deterministically caused a specific outcome or God allowed the outcome to be governed by His creation, i.e indirectly. It does not say God always causes the specific number to come up to achieve some specific predetermined outcome. To claim that is to read into scripture
Proverbs 18:18 says the lot will decide differences, like folks making a decision by flipping a coin. This does not say God always causes one side or the other to come up because He predetermined the outcome. That is to read into scripture.
Biblical reality is demonstrated by Proverb 16:9 which says the mind of man plans his way, teaching autonomous choices, but God directs his steps, teaching our actions must be within the confines allowed by God.