New Member
Aside from the invective, I'm not sure where I even said "adjective" nor anything about mistakes of the past. That is pretty relevant since you are insisting that "seems to be" what I "believe."
In fact, I said that saying "Christ" has lead to the mistake that people assume it was another name for Jesus. I'm saying that it was not a name (which you curiously accused me of) and that rendering "Christ" has helped to lead to that mistake.
I also insist that "annointed one" became a proper title (proper noun) in which the original hearers would have associated it with a mission and person we call Messiah. The denotation is clear, this person is anointed (and so goes all the beautiful allusions that anointed conveys), but the connotation is more, bigger as it were. It conveys the idea of a plan of redemption fulfilled by a person. For us, we can relate to this connotative meaning easiest (in my estimation) with the term "Messiah" w/ its Hebrew Scriptural themes better than "Christ".
I would tend to agree with Messiah, for I too believe that is the better TITLE to pass on, and it is not mistaken for a name as is Christ.
Edit: I should probably stipulate that I am not backing down from my earlier contention that the best translation of Christ is not "annointed one." That IS the best equivalent. But I do think that using the term Messiah is adequate and better as a positional title than is Christ, which most seem to think (now) is merely a last name. I cannot even begin to recount the number of times I have heard people take the name of our Lord in vain with something along the lines of "Jesus H. Christ." May God have mercy on their souls! He IS Messiah, Annointed by God, Creator, King!
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