Police officers are permitted to lie in order to get a suspect to confess to a crime.
But should a Christian Police office do so?
Should a Christian not become a police office because he knows he may need to lie in the preforrmace of his duties?
Open for discussion
I know it happens in interrogations. I guess the issue is that once you accept the premise that the ends justify the means, why not just go all the way and claim they confessed?
I served on the jury of a murder trial back in the mid-nineties. The LEO took the statement from the suspect, writing down everything he stated and then the suspect signed the statement.
What the statement lacked was any sense of pre-meditation. The suspect was defending himself.
The LEO testified at the trial that the suspect had stated, during the interrogation, that he intended to kill the man the next time he saw him. That was not in the statement.
The LEO claimed he had forgotten to write it down. I don’t see how any LEO could fail to recognize the importance of a statement like that. I believe he was lying after the fact, since the case was very weak.
I don’t think cops should lie. It undermines all LEO’s integrity with the public.
peace to you