In another forum, the question dealt with "Feeling the Holy Spirit?" Well, there were a lot of good responses, and to be honest, that question/topic got me to think about the calling of a pastor to the Gospel ministry!
Ephesians 4:11-16 ......
Should a pastor be called of God ... and if so, how would someone know they were called, if not for feeling as well as for signs or spiritual manifestations along the way?
For me, it was a definite, indisputable event, and then a series of indicators or manifestations along the way, that continued to show me that He did, in fact, call me!
Now some may say, Why would a person need indicators along the way ..." and I'm glad you asked? The truth is, once we become His [born-again] we become a target for Satan. Even more so would a person who was set aside by God to minister, be under attack by doubts, and a flurry of spiritual warfare, trying to change the path God put them on!
We know that Satan is like a hungry lion, roaming about, LOOKING for someone to devour, so it makes sense that a pastor-to-be would be even more susceptible to his attempts to trip him up!
However, along the way, God placed manifestations or signs that only made my desire stronger, and I knew, that I knew, that He had a purpose and a calling in my life! I think this is why so many men leave the ministry over time. Satan never lets up in the onslaught of attacks. Like Paul said, we are not at war with the physical, but rather the spiritual; a supernatural enemy that only the full armor of God can protect and keep us from harm!
So, should a pastor be called? And if so, how do they know for sure that they were called? And the pastors in the forum, if you could share your views, especially if you had an experience, it would help the younger guys to know how to know for sure, if they were called of God!
Ephesians 4:11-16 ......
Should a pastor be called of God ... and if so, how would someone know they were called, if not for feeling as well as for signs or spiritual manifestations along the way?
For me, it was a definite, indisputable event, and then a series of indicators or manifestations along the way, that continued to show me that He did, in fact, call me!
Now some may say, Why would a person need indicators along the way ..." and I'm glad you asked? The truth is, once we become His [born-again] we become a target for Satan. Even more so would a person who was set aside by God to minister, be under attack by doubts, and a flurry of spiritual warfare, trying to change the path God put them on!
We know that Satan is like a hungry lion, roaming about, LOOKING for someone to devour, so it makes sense that a pastor-to-be would be even more susceptible to his attempts to trip him up!
However, along the way, God placed manifestations or signs that only made my desire stronger, and I knew, that I knew, that He had a purpose and a calling in my life! I think this is why so many men leave the ministry over time. Satan never lets up in the onslaught of attacks. Like Paul said, we are not at war with the physical, but rather the spiritual; a supernatural enemy that only the full armor of God can protect and keep us from harm!
So, should a pastor be called? And if so, how do they know for sure that they were called? And the pastors in the forum, if you could share your views, especially if you had an experience, it would help the younger guys to know how to know for sure, if they were called of God!