My personal opinion is that God made men and women for differing roles. These roles have been all messed up by mankind. I don't think God intended for women to lead men. However men today are weak and someone has to lead so women are having to step up. I will duck now....
Sadly, I have to agree with you.
Secondly, this is a complex subject. At least from a layman's standpoint. (And, as always, if I'm in error in what I'm about to say, please let me know.)
A. Throughout scriptures God used both men and women to accomplish His will.
B. Often discussed is the role of women in the household and in the church. Men should be spiritual leaders in both places. Does this extend to government? Is there anywhere in the scriptures that states "Caesar" cannot be a woman?
C. In this age, in this country which elects leadership..... In God's eyes which is the greater sin? To elect and submit to a depraved man or to elect and submit to a God fearing woman? If the next election pits a homosexual man against a woman who walks with God, what would your choice be? (For sake of discussion -- you will vote and there are no alternative candidates.)
D. In heaven all will be the same with regards to the various divisions (gentile/Jew, men/women, etc.) that exist on earth today.
In closing, a final comment. If this nation doesn't experience a great revival and return to putting God into the center of our existance, it won't matter who lives in the Whitehouse. Biblical history has shown us over and over again, when the wrath of our Almightly God is kindled, the mighty are brought to their knees.