In what ways do you feel passing out tracts equates to witnessing?
I'm not saying that it is wrong to do so, but too often "evangelism" is viewed as wearing "Jesus saves" t-shirts, putting bumper stickers on your car, and passing out material. It seems more like advertising to me (like "bud light" t-shirts, political bumper stickers, and social project flyers). At best, it seems that this would be providing material to evangelize or witness, but simply providing the material...I don't know.
We are to share the faith with everyone and there are millions of lost people out there. Not everyone do we have time or they have time for a chat and so a gospel tract is the best way to witness. Passing out tracts is not the only way to witness but it is a good and valid way. Do you not believe the verse I have in my sig? We are to "preach" the word to all of creation and passing out tracts is a valid way to do this.