Paul from Antioch
Active Member
I don't intend to be picky, but I don't understand, Bro. Thomas 15 how your story fits into the narrative of "Should Christian Schools (i.e., Jr High + Sr Hign) Teach the humanist "Theory of Evolution" NOT as an established fact, but so that our college-bound (or otherwise) young folks will at least know what they're facing as they launch out their lives as young adults. Maybe it's just my 75 YO brain at work vainly attempting to comprehend what you may have been referring to as your own personal experience(-ies), but as I understand your post as saying, therefore, that we Shouldn't let our young folks enrolled in Christian day schools anything at all about this rather pervasive & humanistic "Theory of Evolution." If that's what you're implying that we should do for our young folks about to launch their lives in today's society, I'm afraid that I don't understand your motive(s) for so doing so. Again, quite possibly it's just my 75 YO lack of memory showing its nasty presence here, & if that's the case, please forgive this handicapped retired vet. OTHO if it's something else, would you be so kind as to explain the reason(s) for your post? I'm curious to find this out, & most likely there are others who are also curious too. I'm of the opinion that there are some folks who visit the forums/threads here on B B who are just looking for some ammo to use against our young folks to destroy their spiritual lives before our future generation(s) have a fighting chance to edify themselves in what God and His Word has for them to do so. (Again, if I'm not really comprehending your posts, please forgive me.....After all, it's Monday morning, & I haven't yet stumbled around to hopefully find my coffee & cup!! ...... Thank you Brother in Jesus Christ for your understanding>