IF there are no restrictions on a teacher's teaching Biblical creationism, assuming, in the first place that he/she is a Bible-believing person & the material(s) are pro-Biblical (The Institute for Creation Research [ICR] has excellent resources on this. Visit
www.creation.com ), I see not real reason why a public (i.e., government controlled & operated [Using OUR tax dollars!!]) school teacher can't teach Creationism as a scientifically-established FACT (vs. Evolution, which is NOT a scientifically-established fact!!). The only problem I can foresee is that most public schools have unions that historically are NOT very friendly to anything related to Biblical truths. Depending on how that public school is governed (local school boards & state Education Depts, etc.), they MIGHT would want something such as Biblical creationism taught unless "equal time" is given to the theory of evolution. (IMHO, when one contrasts the actual evidence for either one, Biblical creationism will be the hands-down winner!) PS--The teacher, IMHO anyway, should just stick to teaching the FACTS of Biblical creationism, & not as a pulpit to "convert" a student while that student is in his/her class. In most states there are laws on the books that prohibit "conversion"-type teaching in a classroom setting. OTOH, a student's free time CAN in most cases, provided that the student initiates the conversation.