OK, let me see if I can explain this so you will understand (doubtful). I believe there are numerous scriptures that promise God will preserve his word to all generations. The most famous of course is Psa 12:6-7
Psa 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.
The AV 1611 itself proves this premise wrong. It has this marginal note for the 2nd "them" in V7:"Heb.
him, I.
euery one of them." the premise itself comes straight outta 7TH DAY ADVENTIST Dr. Ben Wilkinson's book, via Ray & Dr. Fuller...the "founding fathers' of the KJVO myth.
Now, I know you disagree with my interpretation of this scripture. And I disagree with yours. That is called a "tie".
Not when the vast preponderance of evidence is against that interp.
Now, you are correct, it doesn't tell me where that preserved word is, or what it is called.
It's called the "Scriptural manuscripts" that God has preserved for us.
So how in the world am I gonna figure out which version is that preserved version God promised?
You don't have to. GOD preserved ALL the ancient Scriptural mss. we have. That's easy!
Well, for a long time I read lots of fancy books that made my head hurt. Some argued for the KJB, some argued against it.
Some are factual; others are opinion and guesswork.
Now, in my opinion, the folks supporting the KJB came out WAY ahead, the TR comes out way ahead of the CT in my opinion. But opinions are like natural gas, the only ones you like are your own. :laugh:
Just like a victim of a fatal disease who keeps visiting various doctors until he finds one who tells him he's NOT fatally ill.
But there were other factors. One that rang true for me was history. I saw that the KJB came to prominence just as England became the world's first GLOBAL superpower. The sun never sat on the English Empire, and the Bible they took with them to the whole world was the KJB. And then America became the great missionary nation, taking the gospel to the world, and more so than not, it was the KJB they took with them.
But you know the first English Bible brought to what's now the USA was the GENEVA BIBLE. And the first "Reformation" Bible was Luther's German Bible.
The MVs cannot compete here, they are minor leagues compared to the KJB in history.
That's cuz mosta the MVs haven't existed that long. It was quite a while before the KJV became the #1 English version, and it took the interference of the British govt. to replace the Geneva with the KJV.
However, the KJV is still the MOST-PRINTED book in history, if not the most-read, even though the KJV's history is short compared to that of the Latin Vulgate.
The great revivals came under the KJB.
And there could yet come more under some other version.
But in the end, I realized that I could not PROVE which was that preserved version. All I knew is that ONE of them had to be the right one. It is not possible that the scriptures should both CONTAIN and OMIT the last 12 verses of Mark 16. Can't be done fellas, no matter how hard you try.
But can you, or anyone else, PROVE they're supposed to be there?
So make up your mind, they can't ALL be the preserved word of God.
I've made up my mind, and I'm going with the KJB. :thumbs:
The KJV, as are all other English Bible translations, is the product of God's perfect word being handled by imperfect men.
Now, nothing wrong with using only the KJV, long as one doesn't spread the false KJVO MYTH. Apparently, YOU subscribe to it, as you repeated the false "Psalm 12:6-7 thingie" and said you'd recommend people switch to the KJV.
I posted the man-made origin of the KJVO myth...derived from a CULT OFFICIAL'S book by two dishonest authors, a myth that's given rise to charlatans such as Ruckman and Riplinger.
Fact is, GOD IS
NOT LIMITED to the KJV nor any other one English version. He keeps His word current in English & the other major languages. Again, nothing wrong with having a "pet" version, but there's plenty wrong with dissing every other version but one's fave. Now, while there ARE bogus and cult-specific versions out there, the TRUE Christian will quickly recognize them.
Now, while I stated in the OP that KJVO isn't a cult, I don't hesitete to call it a FALSE DOCTRINE, based upon a packa lies and tall tales.