Sakuras said:
I apologize. Sorry. I just wish people would take personal responsibility and realize when they are obese they hurt themselves, their family, and others.
Then people get upset when the government tries to find a way to cut the costs these people bring.
America needs to change. The most obese nation on earth.
I love fat people, my family is huge. I just don't like their damaging behaviour.
Even though I am fat, I can understand your thoughts on the matter. Your way of putting them forth
really, really needs some work and tact, but I do understand.
Some compare obesity to smoking, or drinking alcohol, or doing drugs. Yes, all are things that no one does to you, and many who are obese are far because they gorge themselves. But being obese can be much more than just overeating.
Poor people tend to be more obese then the non-poor. Why? Because the food that is dirt cheap is the worst stuff that a person could eat nutritionally. High fat, high calorie, with no redeeming attributes. But it is what they can afford.
Nutritional education is also sadly lacking in the US. And I'm not talking about the charts and crap that the government has used for their "educational; purposes" for years and years. These charts were based off of assumptions and not facts, and the medical community is beginning to see this. But most do not know how to build a balanced diet, pure and simple.
You also have tradition. I live in the South. That means I have grown up on fried foods, lots of comfort foods, lots of fats, and all in large amounts. This is not just true in the South, either... and most tend to keep on eating what they grew up with.
Besides medical conditions that could cause obesity (and, yes, the percentage of obese who are that way because of a specific condition are small), there are other physical factors that can come into play. For me, I have a very slow metabolism and come from a family that is big all the way around... tall, broad, and heavy, and have been for many generations. I am not the only one, I am sure. For me, this means that I have an even harder time of losing weight (but I am losing it nonetheless).
Oh, and let's not forget that the nation as a whole is much less active than it used to be. That's not excuse for anyone, but it affects everyone regardless.
So, what does all this say? Being obese is each person's own fault, yes. But it is simply not that each obese person sits and shoves food down their throat in wanton abandon. It's not like they are sitting at a bar drinking themselves into a stupor, or hacking their possessions to buy a fix from a dealer on a dark corner... they are living their lives as best they can, doing what they have done all their lives.
Putting a blanket statement out to cover each and every fat person is the exact same as stereotyping an ethnic group as lazy or nasty. I can tell you of some fat people who are completely disgusting, shoving anything and everything down their gullets, but I can show you some who are fat because of many interrelated circumstances both of themselves and without.
Until you, or anyone else who wants to point and condemn, has walked in the shoes of the obese, my shoes, you don't have a clue what you are talking about.