No we won't be "back on track" at all Darrell.
As the Body of Christ...yes we will.
If your citizenry in a temporal country is so important to you, are you any different than those who have been swept up in Political Religion?
Hebrews 11:13-15
King James Version (KJV)
13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
14 For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.
15 And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.
I don't live under the assumption that our Country was founded solely by Christians. A number of key founding fathers actually denied the Deity of Christ.
I am grateful there was a fear of God in most of them, but the bottom line would be some have more desire to be patriotic than faithful.
If our American freedoms and principles aren't protected from a government bent on destroying them then you won't have the freedom to get back to your "doctrine".
So you feel you have a right to freedom? And if God took that away from you?
And my doctrine is not subject to the American Government. They have no more power over the Word of God than did the Pharisees or Rome.
The freedom of speech I have is not a right protected by the Government, it is a command of God which is protected by God. Should the American Government deteriorate to the point where I am restricted in my speech, well, then I guess that is where my faith would really be tested.
You realize that even today Preachers of the Gospel are murdered and imprisoned for their faith, right? Did they fail to preach the Gospel because of governments and religious rulers?
We need to get back to basics.
Agreed: the Word of God.
We need to get back to what's right and what's wrong not what's "left and what's right" and we need to stop making excuses for the wrongs done by "our team".
Agreed: the Word of God.
I'm sick of the double standards and hypocrisy.
Agreed. What I can't understand is how many here have shown they are tolerant of aberrant gospels, racial contention, and hatred.
The polls show, incontrovertibly, that at the least several members are hypocritical and hold to a double standard for who has this "freedom of speech" you speak about.
A black supremacist is tolerable, in fact, someone to play with when we get bored.
A white supremacist? Forget it. No way. Can't have that.
Indeed, hypocrisy and double standard.
I'm sick of the self delusion dance people go through to avoid the truth and defend evil.
That is the reason for the threads.
I'm sick of watching people standing on sinking sand acting like they're standing on bedrock.
Not sure how you can say that when you think it is acceptable that a member be left in serious and satanic error and continue thinking he is called of God for this ministry.
Truly amazing.
I'm tired of seeing people sucked in by these god awful consolidated corporate monsters that people think they can trust to tell them the truth.
Who exactly are you speaking of? Exactly what relevance are consolidated corporate monsters?
I heard it said that when wall street feel they had 11 trillion in buying and spending power. Small businesses? 270 trillion.
And we need wall street for what exactly?
But again...relevance? What we are talking about is Christian Doctrine and Christian Practice.
It seems you feel it is more important to save people from Corporate greed than false doctrine. This has nothing at all to do with this thread.
Look Darrell. I appreciate what you're trying to say but please appreciate this. People in the politics forum don't like to be preached at.
And that is the point, lol.
Have you ever stopped to think that this might be that they are Political Religionists?
I mean, how do we explain the fact that Christian Doctrine is so lacking, and what is truly godless is not just overlooked, but a favorite hobby of some.
We, as the Body of Christ, do need to get back to the basics, and sound Doctrine is priority one. If there is no concern for what gospel is preached, and what doctrine is followed, why would we think this correlates to the Christian Faith?
As far as me preaching at people, well...take it any way you want. All I have done is point out some simple points and I have done so on the level of every member I have interacted with on this Board.
If you want to see preaching...come visit the Doctrinal Boards sometimes. I irritate most of those folks as well.
Whether it's you or Zaac doing the preaching.
That you compare me with Zaac shows a complete lack of understanding, rather than an appreciation of what I have tried to do.
I guess it's just a matter of not wanting someone else to tell you that you are in error about anything.
But as to whether this is valid or not, there is only one measure of rule for Christians, and that is the Word of God. And where tolerance of racism exists, it is a certainty a lack of understanding in regards to Christianity exists also.
Racism has no place in the hearts of Christians, and it really has no place, being tolerated that is, on a Christian Doctrinal Discussion Forum.
God bless.