Who cares what the church feels about how he is running the nation?
Me...for one.
There have been quite a few people I have spoken with who say they are Christians yet they stand behind policies which advocate abortion, gay marriage, and liberal theology.
Anyone who buys into Obama's claim to be a Christian despite his apparent zeal for policy which stands in direct contradiction to a Christian worldview are the very ones who...
...don't care.
If the church was focusing on what it's supposed to be doing instead of pulling its hair out over Obama, perhaps the way he is running the nation WOULD be different.
What makes you think the Church is not doing what it is supposed to be?
The question is...what church are you speaking of? If you mean Modern Christendom, I agree, there are too many claiming to represent Christ who have not only climbed aboard the worldly system but are doing their best to get their mouthpieces into office.
And how, might I ask, could the Church, the Body of Christ...cause Obama to rule any differently. And yes, I said rule.
But that's the problem, too many cannot distinguish between the Body of Christ and the world system. As I said, this is why, in many ways, Obama was elected. Not just once...but twice. While I am against Mormon Doctrine, I have no problem having a Mormon in the Office. Yet a great many Christians refused to vote for Romney because of that. Okay, that makes great sense: it's okay to have a man who is clearly possessed of the spirit of antichrist, but we can't have someone who is theologically confused.
Some may see the irony there, lol.
As it stands , there is nothing short of pure wickedness coming from a lot of folks in the church about this man.
I agree, and it is up to the Body of Christ to start educating our liberal brethren to limit the damage they are doing, first and foremost to the cause of Christ, but also in terms of world conditions.
People are dying because of the liberal world-view of those who claim to be a part of the Body.
Agreement with Obama is fellowship with the world, and there is nothing wrong with the Church declaring a position of opposition to him.
It is our duty.
As I've said before, lots of folks in the church disobedient to God's command don't sincerely pray for him and his administration.
Now balance that with those who openly advocate practices contrary...to the rest of the Word of God.
I do not feel led to pray for Obama on a daily basis, that is true, but I can tell you I do not feel too bad about it.
And don't say that you do.
I do, occasionally, believe it or not. I have prayed for the terrorists as well. But that does not cloud my judgment concerning either.
You can't sincerely pray for someone and at the same time disrespect them the way that some of you do.
Sure you can, because the truth has nothing to do with disrespect, it is simply a matter of truth.
You want to tell me that Obama has been an example of Christian belief? Are you okay with telling gays it's okay to get married? Do you tell women it is their right to murder their children? That if they want to engage in fornication...that's okay? Do you feel it is the "Christian thing to do" to encourage and even advocate for Islam?
There is NOTHING of Christ-like love coming from a certain sector of the church that just so happens to share a political affiliation.
I would agree with this to this extent: it is assumed that the politically motivated "Christians" are representative of Christ and Christian Doctrine and Practice.
That is about as absurd as believing Obama is.
Why not be open in your statement: you are speaking of those that vote Republican. Right?
Well, the truth is, a Republican vote most often better agrees with a Christian Worldview than a Democratic vote. Those voting Democratic in the last two elections have contributed to the moral degradation of this country.
Love is never a matter of (1) refusing to speak the truth and (2) supporting those who speak lies and (3) supporting those who are openly opposed to Christian Doctrine and Practice.
The church has every right to righteously judge his unGodly actions.
That is not what your post presents, but rather it presents a condemnation of those who are not afraid to declare his actions ungodly.
We do not have to become politically embroiled to the point where politics itself becomes the religion of the individual, and unfortunately there are many that fall into that trap.
If more Christians devoted their time to a better understanding of Christian Doctrine we would have less people voting for the ungodly. Again, when we vote for a President...we are not voting in a Pastor or deacon, and we should maintain a separation of the body from the world system.
Doesn't mean we sit around on our laurels and refuse to participate in the Vote because there isn't a particular candidate that meets our standard of judgment.
Perhaps, for me, if John MacArthur or R.C. Sproul ran, lol, that might happen, but the truth is that this is a secular office and we can't expect too much.
I mean...it is politics.
However, the church does not have the right to disrespect him as so many on this board and in the church do.
Would you have felt John the Baptist disrespected Herod?
If you go through Scripture you are going to find quite a few Prophets that took a head-on collision course with kings. Had more people agreed with the Prophet than the king, perhaps Israel's history might have been different.
By the way, my fellowship supports a Missionary...to Washington D.C. Is that something we should be doing?
God is very aware of this cancer that has moved through the church faster than lightning through butter.
You're seriously suggesting the Lord is unhappy with those that recognize Obama as ungodly? This includes you, by the way, according to what you have written.
I guess you're follow-up post will address those who magnify the guy? Do you feel that the liberal views and advocacy of many claiming to be Christians...is something the Lord smiles upon?
The fact is that the "cancer" in the Body of Christ has been apathy.
We could address a letter to the Church entitled "While you were sleeping..."
I truly believe that this type of unrepentant wickedness from the church is why evangelicals keep getting more of the Obama policies they don't want
So the solution is to start showing Obama respect, despite the fact he has no respect for Law or the Office.
Well, one thing he didn't lie about, he does have more leeway in the second term.
and they seemingly can't do anything about it.
On the contrary, we can try to educate people and open their eyes to the lies that have lulled them to sleep and caused them to throw their lot in with the enemies of God.
The continued looking to a political party to fix things
Sorry, no. For me, the solution is the Word of God. The more people that better understand Scripture the better. While there are large groups on both sides of the aisle who have turned politics into their religion, there is still a remnant that is separate from the world with a Christ-centered and Scripture-centered focus.
We understand that politics must be left in it's proper place, which is the world system, but that does not prevent us from actively seeking to make a difference as we go through this world.
when God has said HE will do the healing is just another reason too.
And what does God require?
Not sure those advocating the policies of the Democratic Party can honestly claim repentance.
Doesn't matter who 2016 brings.
And it is this very attitude that got Obama elected.
It does matter, Zaac.
Unrepentant wickedness will get you more of what you don't want.
I agree wholeheartedly, which is why I must protest when people advocate for things which are contrary to the Word of God.
I am not ashamed to speak openly about Obama, and it does not confront me that people think it is disrespectful. I cannot have respect for such a man, nor will I overlook his agendas.
Now we have on the horizon another "historical election," in which America can show her enlightened state by voting for a woman.
Will you vote for her, Zaac?
God bless.