Is any agency in the government of the USA responsible for investigating what is reported through VARES? Who?
How is that investigation made?
Let's say relative to a death. How is that death investigated? Jon, in 2020 someone died of a heart attack and had a positive result for covid using a hyped cycle test and declared he died because of covid and is put on his death certificate. That was the norm for all deaths from all causes in 2020.
Why does not the same apply to the vaccine. A twenty three year old dies after taking the vaccine. Why is not that shown on his death certificate.
Would an autopsy show death by covid? Is it like some cancers, your body is eaten up with covid?
How much data was reported to VARES relative to vaccination of all kinds from 2000 to 2020? How much data since?
Course I believe more people new about VARES in 2020 than before, however exactly whose fault is that.
The issue with VARES is people misuse the data for their own agendas by ignoring VARES does not connect a reported effect to a cause. A hangover is reported in VARES, as is treatment for alcoholism. I believe it would be irresponsible to blame a vaccine for hangovers and alcohol abuse.
I agree that listing a person having a heart attack while covid positive as a covid death (provided the heart attack was not directly caused by the infection....e.g., covid can also cause heart issues) is also irresponsible.
But the solution to irresponsible reporting of covid deaths should not be irresponsible reporting of vaccine deaths.
Typically side effects to vaccines, including death, is investigated by first identifying trends. During the vaccine trials people reported side-effects, but these include people who were not actually given the vaccine. Side-effects are studied along side the control group.
Once an unexpected side-effect or a trend is identified it is investigated to determine causation. We knew before the vacvines were released that side-effects would occur. The question is whether they are unexpected effects or if they occur at an unexpected rate.