Killing for any reason other than self-defense is murder.
I'm saying it is a form of self defense. Not sure why you can’t comprehend that? Not sure why you avoid the arguments made against you to form a true conclusion before you spout off calling your opponents' murderers, but it speaks for itself to your character. What, you want to wait until these thugs own and use weapons of mass destruction before we take away their ability to do so?/ Not too smart…
Unnecessarily provoking hostilities (acts of war) in others and then killing them is murder. People who sit at home trying to provoke non-defensive wars are armchair murderers.
“Unnecessarily provoking”? By taking away their ability to terrorize the world? I suppose if I punched a commonly known bully that was in my face threatening me square in his nose, you’d call that unprovoked too followed by calling me a bully? If you did, I’d have to question your sympathies that love evil and call it good.
You are like talking to a wall because its pretty clear you either didn’t understand the fallacy of question begging your conclusion and to follow once again repeating the same argument with an Ad Hominem is the immature argument of a fool.
And, yet we've let North Korea, Israel, Pakistan, India, and others are producing nukes. Why didn't we go to war to stop them? Why don't we go to war to take their nukes away?
Two or more wrongs doesn’t male a right, again your reasoning fails. Learn some basic logic and critical thinking skills, would ya? And followed again with another your cowardess name calling.
Armchair murderers lie and claim Iran is a nuclear threat. Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapons program.
People who don’t have a real argument use Ad hominem as per another of your great examples. Iran is not only doing everything they can to develop nuclear weapons but lying about it while they do it and were aggressively campaigning around the world spreading terrorism, yet you defend this evil and call them good, hmm…
And, it doesn't take war, or acts of war, to stop Iran from having a nuclear weapons program.
I said early on that we need not go to war but just bomb everything that needs bombing, THAT MEANS take out their ability to enact the Radical Islamist agenda of Jihad against the world. You are basically calling the defunding of their nuclear ambitions an act of war while turning a blind eye to their undeniable aggression and ambitions and excusing it. The reason for this? I believe you have some kind of delusion that such a “noble” gesture makes you some kind of morally superior being.
And, it doesn't take war, or acts of war, to stop Iran from having a nuclear weapons program.
Yeah, right, maybe if we gave them say $150B and said "pretty please" they would stop with their ambitions of Radical Islamist Jihad in the world.
Blessed be the peacemakers. Thou shalt not murder. My Christian standing is just fine.
You have a lot to learn about the meaning and depth to those biblical instructions because they certainly do not support your immature arguments.