A young women in our church was absent from worship this past Sunday. When we ask where she was her husband said, "She is at the Brazilian embassy voting in the election."
She is Brazilian he is a native born US citizen. In Brazil if you are a citizen is is required that you vote in every election, even if you are an expat living in another country. I do not know what the punishment is for failing to vote and I do not know how the details are worked out, what kind of ID is required, if any, how the Brazilian government maintains a list of citizens.
So, do you also feel that voting should be mandatory and a fine levied on anyone not voting?
She is Brazilian he is a native born US citizen. In Brazil if you are a citizen is is required that you vote in every election, even if you are an expat living in another country. I do not know what the punishment is for failing to vote and I do not know how the details are worked out, what kind of ID is required, if any, how the Brazilian government maintains a list of citizens.
So, do you also feel that voting should be mandatory and a fine levied on anyone not voting?