At the time,yes,we had been pretty familiar with John Mac and had read a number of his books. I would not say we were highly influenced at that time,we were very like minded in some areas of theology. When we read Rick Warren's book,we were beginning a new church(from a SBC former church) with a group and we were very open to learning and studying to help our church get off to a good start. We had no prethinking on him or his book at the time. We read it(my husband and I each separately)...when we talked about we had some things about it that we liked. Of course we agree with the purposes of the church....but as we begin to go back to the Word,we saw some was then that we read it again to see what exactly was bugging us. We saw many problems with is,maybe it stems back to our Calvinistic views or maybe we love God's Word so much,we appreciate seeing it exalted to the level it should be at. We felt and still do,that Rick Warren's teaching is superficial and does not promote a high view of God,His Holiness,and His view on sin. It is only from fearing the Lord that we can even try to *do* church biblically. We know we can not do it in our own strength,so we MUST depend and trust God's ways to be the best and right way. If we are trusting in man's ways,techniques,and strategies,we can easily pat ourselves on the back and say,look what Jesus has done. We must not be guilty of this.
So,(And I know you know this),we are not out to *get* Rick Warren,nor do we dismiss him as a christian and pastor,but we do disagree with his fundamental philosophy of ministry that says,whatever works we should do. It is a pragmatic view. We should not be targetting a certain people group,but instead to be ready to give an answer to anyone. We should not make a survey and see what non believers wish for church to be and then change to become more appealing to the lost,we must not make God's Word a catchy little feel good story and leave out sin,taking up our cross, and the disciplines of living godly. Being scriptural in every area of church life is key and God will grow His church His way.
This is why we(our church) does not adopt any new thing that comes along,we stick to the basics of scripture and preaching the Word. We love the lost and welcome them at anytime in our church,but are services are geared to believers. Is the gospel preached? Absolutely! The gospel is crucial to our helps us grow and undertsnad what Christ has done for us and helps those who are not believers to see their sin.
One of the greatest things I have heard from new christian in our church is that a lady in our church had been counseling her and had told her to read a book in the Bible,she did this and realized she was not saved and wanted to be....this was not in a worship service,it was a member of our church doing what she was supossed to do,share Christ and help others see their need for a saviour. No one even knew this was going on. It didn't happen after the pastor said if you walk the aisle and pray this prayer,you can be saved....(our pastor would not say this,but I am talking about a typical SBC church.