Originally posted by just-want-peace:
I dare say that 99+ % of the "judging" they get would be non-existant if they would just shut up and go back into the closet.
The problem with that position is that we as a country guarantee a person's individual liberties, even if it's the liberty to sin. For example, refusing to accept Christ as Savior is a sin, yet few would call for Jews to "go back in the closet".
I'm not saying your point doesn't have merit, it does. But most homosexuals are average ordinary folks, who just want to live their lives to the best of their ability. I don't agree with their life choices, but I can still respect the person. The problem is that the homosexual activist crowd gets all the attention, even though they're a minority of homosexuals. Every group, even Evangelical Christians, has that problem.
The problem with that analogy is that murder is a sin committed upon a nonconsenting party. Two persons fornicating involves consenting individuals. I think the government needs to stay out of the lives of consenting individuals, even if I disagree with what is being consented to. I have more problems with my Baptist neighbor who sometimes uses profanity during Monday Night Football (which is a gross violation of the Ten Commandments).Even murderers know better than to try to push for acceptance of their sins.