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should women wear dresses/skirts all the time

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by Barbara R., Nov 13, 2004.

  1. Dr.Tim

    Dr.Tim New Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    Bound4Glory... yeah, thats what I am talking about! Y'all need to get Dennis Corle's book "The Chemistry of Separation". Now... I dont agree with everything in it, but it's and EXCELLENT perspective of "separation" from one of the more extreme fundamentalist preachers. He is an intelligent man.

    I dont know if I can say that me, as a man, not wearing shorts gives me a chance to witness. Most people think I am bragging when I say i dont wear short pants because women say i got nice legs. No kidding. It's the truth that they say this, and I just dont like telling people. Most of the guys say "yeah, and then you woke up", and the girls say.. "you are conceited". Truth is, I feel guilty wearing shorts now.

    I just pray that the Lord will convict pastors and help them to understand that Christians grow at a different rate, depending on the individual, and we cannot expect EVERYONE to just go along with what WE think the Spirit has taught us, UNTIL they finally reach that point of "understanding".

    For the life of me, I never understood some churches that do not allow LOST souls to come in the church NOT dressed the way we think is appropriate.. making proper clothing a prerequisite to hearing the gospel. I dont like across the board rules like that.

  2. Bound4Glory

    Bound4Glory New Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    yeah I know what you mean. How are lost people supposed to know that what they wear is immodest or against God. They have to get saved BEFORE they become that new creature the Bible talks about. For its by the foolishness of preaching...
    you dont have to clean up to get saved...thats what getting saved does for you.
  3. superdave

    superdave New Member

    Jun 30, 2000
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    He He, Maybe thats why I don't have a problem with shorts. I have never had that experience, and for good reason. Not being especially muscular, and being about as white as people can be made.
  4. Paul33

    Paul33 New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    I pray to God that the Spirit will never bring me to that point where I think that wearing shorts is a sin. [​IMG]
  5. Plain Old Bill

    Plain Old Bill New Member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    O.K. this nice legs issue needs a vote. Dr. Tim send us a picture.
  6. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Dr. Tim, I think women can say a man has nice legs without lusting after that man. I don't think it's just me. Ladies??
  7. ituttut

    ituttut New Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    I'll play devil's advocate here, and it may make some sense, but I see nothing wrong with "women’s trousers". The woman is to look and act like a woman, and a man is to look and act like a man. I believe your church is carrying it too far, but that is the way they believe, and to them it must be a sin for a woman to wear "trousers". You are in a tough spot.

    Since you would be "greatly sinning in their eyes" should you be caught wearing women’s "trousers", I would not do it, and certainly not men’s “trousers”. Perhaps there are other churches close by you could attend that do not believe this way. However, I would say one thing? If you do buy some "trousers" that are made for men, ask yourself if you really need that zipper. Stay away from those type of clothes, and I would say you are on safe ground, as far a God is concerned. You are what you are for a reason, for you are the glory of the man, and you are to look your best.

    I myself don't believe there is anything more beautiful than a woman in high heels, stockings, and skirt at just about knee length. Women and men in the days these instruction’s were given, had clothes suitable for the woman, and clothes suitable for the man. This is the same as we have today. The Stores have the Women’s departments, and the Men’s departments. I buy from the Men’s department, and my wife buys from the Women’s department. Women today wear long pants, as do men. I believe in the days of the Bible, the women wore long and loose fitting clothing, and the men did also, but they were made differently, and you could not mistake one for the other.

    So let’s turn it around, with you wearing pants, and men begin wearing dresses. This may be what God is saying in overall dressing. But then again perhaps what He is inferring, but does not say is to both men and women. Men are not to dress up like women with halters, panties, and high heels. They want to be something they were not born to. And so it is with women that wish to wear pants with zippers, and “jockey shorts”, men’s sock and shoes. Something is wrong with those wishing to be something they are not.

    So for me, I believe a woman should wear attire suited for a woman in the time she lives, and man should wear attire suited for a man. If the woman does not try to show herself as a man in her pants not fashioned as a man’s, it is then a woman’s attire, and not a man.

    Most women to me look good in just about anything they put on. Christian faith, ituttut Galatians 1:11-12
  8. Dr.Tim

    Dr.Tim New Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    I am 39, single, but slowly leaning towards staying single (not by choice!!!). Been a long time since I had a girlfriend locally (Aug 1989 was the last one). When the right one comes, I will know it. I will take who HE sends me.. but I can say as for everyone else, a modestly dressed woman is truly a woman who has the respect of men.
  9. akjv1611

    akjv1611 New Member

    Apr 21, 2005
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    I just left a church that made women wear skirts and dresses all the time. They considered pants to be a sin against GOD. I made the decision to wear skirts and dresses when I went to church. Other then that I wore what I wanted to wear.
    I don't actually think God cares what you wear just as long as you believe in him and worship him. It's a long story why I left the church I was going to. It is an I.F.B.C. too.
    If anyone is interested to know why I left please e-mail me.

    Love in Christ,
  10. superdave

    superdave New Member

    Jun 30, 2000
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    From your login name, I deduce that women wearing dresses or skirts was not the only extra-biblical teaching being esposed in that particular church.
    But I digress.

    I recently heard about a Baptist School that changed their dress code for elementary grades to not allow dresses or skirts because of modesty issues. I have been in the hallway of my daughter's school and have seen plenty of the little ones changing out of winter boots, or their snow gear, who have difficulty maintaining the position of their very long and arguably modest skirts and dresses. My own 5 year old, who is learning how to act ladylike doesn't always get it right, and is actually much more modest in many circumstances wearing pants. And I can usually tell when she is wearing pants that she is still a girl. Those are the real issues, modesty and distinction, and many times are more easily and effectively fulfilled by women in pants.
  11. Bound4Glory

    Bound4Glory New Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I wear modesty shorts (aka basketball shorts) under my skirts when I know i will be doing something active.
  12. GrannyGumbo

    GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    There's nothing I can't do in my skirts and if it can't be done "modestly", then perhaps it shouldn't be done at all. I've climbed ladders, over fences, played on the floor, climbed up into the big gas truck, etc, even went into water (tho' no men were around). My dresses/skirts are lined, long & flowing...the wind don't even pick 'em up out on the "protest line".
  13. menageriekeeper

    menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Let me throw a seamstress' opinion into this.

    Men and womens pants are put together very differently and toward different ends. An example: Men's pants are put together with an entirely different waistband than a woman's pants. How? Men's waist bands are wider and generally, with the exception of khaki's and jeans, are made to be altered.

    This is because men have little or no waist(no offense guys, it's the way God made you), and men's pants are made with the view that they will be worn for several years through several minor size changes.

    While men's pants are sold by waist and inseam sizes, there is actually very little difference between the size of the waistband and the amount of room in the hips. Men don't have curves to contend with.

    Ladies pants on the other hand, are made/sold to a size rather than a measurement. They have thinner waistbands, because the waistband doesn't have to "grip" the waist. Women have hips to hold up their pants(or skirts).

    Practically, this means if a woman were to put on a pair of men's pants that she purchased to her waist size, there wouldn't be enough room for her hips. Conversely, if a man put on a pair of lady's pants, bought to his waist size, the hips and seat would hang so badly that would seem as if he were wearing clown pants.

    Now if the lady decided to buy men's pants to her hip size instead, the waist would simply fall off her or she would have to belt them up(highly uncomfortable). If the man were to buy the woman's pants to his hip size, he wouldn't be able to button them.

    There are other difference's, but this one is enough to use to point out, just as in ancient times, when everyone wore long flowy clothing, the differences were in the way the clothes were made.

    Now while I agree with Granny that there is very little I can't do in a skirt that I can't in pants, I still don't consider it a sin for me to wear pants. Modesty counts for more than just pants or dresses. I actually think that HOW a woman wears her clothes is just as important as WHAT a woman wears. Modesty is all in the attitude.
  14. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I also think modesty means to dress in a fashion so as not to draw undue attention to one's self...
  15. Preacher's Boy

    Preacher's Boy New Member

    Jan 6, 2005
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    The clothess that pertainith to one gender or another was very different in duets. times than now...then women didn't wear dresses and men didn't wear pants....This seems pretty clearly to be a teaching against transvestism...gender crosdressing...as a form of sexual immorality. so don't crossdress...that's more specifically forbidden elswhere in the Bible

    While wearing a man's suit to work might be prohibited, wearing slacks designed for women while doing housework etc. isn't what's being addressed here.
  16. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 26, 2003
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    Absolutely. Our apparel should not draw the attention but our spirit should point them to Christ.
  17. identicaltwin

    identicaltwin New Member

    Aug 17, 2004
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    Please read things through the lens of the Scripture. It is really easy to make yourself feel guilty about things that someone else wants you to do or feels strongly about. There is a really good article on another board about this, written esp. to women (the board is sharperiron.org) and I'll put the link to the article. It is written by Holly Stratton, wife of the president of Clearwater Christian College, and hits most of these issues "straight on". http://www.sharperiron.org/showthread.php?t=595

    When we get off on rabbit trails---i.e., one woman thinks that her grown children should all live around her, or may teach that because the stick figures of men/women decide that a woman should wear pants, I have to laugh. (In Europe they use circles and triangles and I can never remember which is which). The "web" has made every person out there "on the edge" easily heard, and it is too bad, IMO, when the easily swayed seem so eager to fall for the extremes.

    Pretty much, you can figure out if it is "very extreme" it is "off"....unless we are talking purity, 10 commandments, etc. But, mostly, we need to remember to let "good men (in this case, women) differ". Obviously the Bible deals with "good people differing" over issues and Paul is pretty clear about how we should be in our own attitudes and in our attitudes towards our friends who differ.

    I personally don't wear pants, but don't find it wrong to wear them, but I do believe it is wrong to teach that it is sin to wear them (and even my nonpantwearing friends don't actually teach that it is sin..that is, other missionary friends here in Poland).

    I don't wear them because of an over-sensitive conscious as I was in an HAC church for a year and the lady who taught it to me when I was a kid...(who now wears pants, and doesn't even attend church anywhere)..made it seem so bad... I tend to have problems with being overly sensitive, and if "someone" says it is "wrong", then, maybe it is....I mean...maybe I am being a stumbling block to some weaker Christian out there. That is, until I get the Bible back out, and start being a "berean". (checking to see whether what that person teaches is true according to the Bible.)

    OTOH, if you choose to attend that church, then please submit to the pastoral leadership and do not be "in your face" about your personal differing convictions. If they make it a point of membership (you can't be a member if you wear them...but who abides by these anyway? [​IMG] ), then you might consider a different church.

    Most churches wouldn't do that, as they are smart enough to realize that people are coming from different backgrounds. Many of the people who believe in no pants, I find much in common with and love being around them, as they tend to be conservative in other areas as well (as I am).

    But, all that to say, if you went to my website, you'd see my girls in pants in our family picture....www.family.solidrockpl.org...you just won't see me in them, though I have put them on to do some exercises.

    Granny...I just can't find doing leg lifts very modest...not even very, very long flowing skirts. I tried...but couldn't do it (I have 5 kids and some boys), so I found some not-too-tight pants/jeans/khakis to wear...cost me $1 or $2 at a yard sale and it is an exercise in retraining my conscious to put them on. I know in my head that it is fine, but stil feel funny in them.

    (I have a diet section on the website as well.)

  18. identicaltwin

    identicaltwin New Member

    Aug 17, 2004
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    Sorry, that should have been conscience in the last full paragraph.

  19. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Hi Becky and welcome to the BB. I enjoyed visiting your site!

    You need to go to the "Welcome Forum" at the top of the main page and introduce yourself so we can ALL welcome you.

    We have a "Diet Recipe" thread on the BB with all kinds of good things to eat, no matter what kind of a diet you're on.

    You will find it here:

  20. identicaltwin

    identicaltwin New Member

    Aug 17, 2004
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    OK. I'll do that.
