The History Channel or one of the similar ones had a special on the Shroud a few months back. Much like police age children's photo's to give an approximation of a missing child's appearance, the image from the Shroud was run through this type software. Final result was a 3-d model of the face of Christ.
As the lead up to this, many of the items mentioned, so far, in the thread were discussed. If memory serves, there's speculation the face cloth is somewhere in Spain, according to legend. The various wounds, according to scriptures, were where they should be on the Shroud.
Premise on the face cloth is that it did not interfere with the image transfer, if the Shroud is real.
So far, according the the documentary, no one has been able to prove it is real nor how it could have been produced, if not real. Even the so-called carbon dating has been questioned, as the sample was taken from an area of the Shroud that shows evidence of being repaired sometime in the past.
As for my opiniion. I don't have one pro or con. If it is real, God preserved it for a reason, yet to be revealed. If it isn't real, that too, will be revealed, in His timeframe.