MB said:
I came accross this today and it made me think. I'm not a fan of J.R. Church. but a guest of his presented this on his show. It's about signs for the comming of Christ. Watch it and give me your opinion.
Two things:
1- this link just leads me to another BB site, &
2- do you routinely watch programs featuring those that don't interest you?
Not being snippy, just asking because back in the 50's I hated,
HATED "Howdy Doody", but I did watch it some simply because the creators would come up with some off-the-wall stuff and my curiosity was greater that my disdain for the show!
I have seen what I THINK you are talking about & I found it extremely interesting, though I certainly cannot verify the validity of the info.
Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
Bolded mine
This could certainly be one of the things that God has given that satan has usurped and poisoned (astrology) just like he has ex-say!*
Interesting topic regardless.
* pig latin