Says both of us (me by saying so, you by your responses).
It is accurate – and it proves my point.
When the government gives aid to businesses with a criteria that it be a Black owned business then it oppresses (economically) other businesses who are struggling and in need but are not owned by Black people. That is by definition racism. If the Black business community was the most needy then providing the aid based on need would go primarily to the that segment. Making the aid an issue of race is not only racism but it is unneeded to accomplish the goal.
The DNC is the party of racism (historically and today). It lives on racial division – NEVER racial unity. It thrives on devaluing Black Americans, and the irony is Black Democrats do not realize this. There are two ways to increase diversity. One is to remove barriers and provide the resources to succeed where they were absent (not based on race but on need). The other is to lower expectations for a particular people.
The problem with the first option is it is not an immediate gain. The problem with the second is it is racism if based on race and devalues people. The DNC chooses the latter option because it needs to capitalize on Black Americans. Once again, Black men and women are made to be slaves, but this time the chains are socio-economic rather than iron as they work to empower their masters.
The DNC tells America that Black men cannot compete on the same level intellectually as White men. The GPA’s need to be lowered. They need to have scholarships set aside with race as the determining factor. Schools need to lower their standard of admission and graduation in order to be diverse. Companies need to promote Black men not because of performance but because of race. The result is a perception (often a false perception, but it’s there nonetheless) that Black people are inferior to all other races and must be given what others are able to earn.
The DNC is the “short bus”. The irony is it’s riders have come to see the “short bus” as their ticket to equality.
The GOP is no better. Their issue is that they ignore the immediate problem while focusing on the future. They are blind, deaf and dumb to struggles that may be unique to a given race in America.
If you were drowning the DNC would toss you a float with a hole in it and tell you to make it a mile and they’d toss you another. The GOP would tell you they have stationed a Naval ship 50 miles away and if you swim there you’ll be safe.
Politics is always about power – never about people.
Spoken like a true DNC cultist.
No, America does not typically fare better under Democrat leadership. Some people do better, others do not. Minorities do poorly, but middle-class white people and corporations do well. Industry itself does suffer. With the Republicans it is the opposite. Industry does well, corporations do not. Minorities do better. The middle-class white people stay about the same.
America does better when the powers are divided.