Necessities: I do believe that in a sense "we are at are war with a silent enemy" and therein I believe in arming myself to the teeth if I am to do battle. I am also a master craftsman in woodworking and hold high the value in having the right tools to do a job. Besides that, I have a degree in Physical Therapy so have an understanding of the value of natural healing and the body's amazing abilities to overcome if it is given every opportunity to do so.
Considering the "enemy's" most deadly weapon, to attack the lungs and rob us of air, I decided to listen to my instinct and to arm myself with the best defense I could should things get bad and provisions got low. I thought about the value of owning an oxygen concentrator should the need arise and also about some of my past actions where I didn't listen to my instincts and later regretted it, so I went to Amazon and ordered one for about $600. Which is a lot of money to justify spending unless and until it is actually needed to save a life, then it is more precious than gold and the best money I ever spent!
An overreaction, maybe, but I will take comfort in having that tool when it arrives. That comfort outweighs that I might feel a little embarrassed if this turns out to never even coming close to being a need. On the other hand, I am responsible to provide the best care I can for my family and I can't do that if I am not properly prepared.
When I ordered the oxygen concentrator, on March 13th, there were about 30 brands and it seemed a lot of stock which after seeing everyone beat me to buying any hand sanitizer or alcohol it also made me like I could be being ridiculous that maybe no one else was doing this, but I'd made up my mind and bought it anyway.
Yesterday, I checked my shipping status which said it was in progress but when I clicked on the product details the page was no longer available. I then went to the category and saw there were only about 7 brands still listed. I clicked on those brands and all but one said the page was no longer available and that one was for $1,500. Today I went back to the category and there was not one oxygen concentrator even listed, they were all gone, the listings closed. So, it seems I wasn't alone in this consideration.
I will keep praying that I never need it, I'd rather be wrong that right on this one, but I will also thank God for the opportunity to have it.