I feel that all churches should pay taxes, it would help the deficit and most churches can afford it.
Sheer lunacy.
You need to deal with church budgets before making such a silly statement.
Most churches aren't aflush in cash as you would think. You're out of touch if you believe this.
Furthermore, how is it gonna help the deficit? That's crazy talk. Those buffoons
already spend more than is collected. If we send more, they're not going to apply it to the deficit--they're going to spend more, get addicted to the money, and
increase the deficit.
do realize, don't you, that churches are made up of people--people who have
already paid taxes on their income, savings (!), gains, property, vehicles, gas, and whose death may be taxed in a few months. Why on
earth would such a ridiculous idea benefit
Finally...if the government would learn to be a bit more like most churches, we wouldn't
have the issues we have with our government. Maybe instead of taxing churches, they could learn from them.
Wow. Refuting that was like shooting fish in a barrel...but without the nasty gut-shrapnel.