I enjoyed "Debating Calvinism" co-written by Calvinist James White and Arminian Dave Hunt.
Note: I am a moderate Arminian, but I love James White and am practically addicted to "Dividing Line"
Also, there are different types of Arminianism, it covers a wide range. I am an Arminian, but I have been called a Calvinist by other Arminians. So there is a lot of misunderstanding between Arminians and Calvinists because of extremes on both sides. I think the two systems (when the radical forms are excluded) are closer than a lot of people realize.
For example, I am a monergist, but most people think Arminians are automatically synergistic. I also flatly deny "open Theism" which some Arminians hold.
So I think it is best to look at those who are balanced in their approach, as much as possible