I agree that salvation is 100% of God, I just don't fall for the erroneous presumption that a gift has to be irresistibly applied for the giver to receive full credit for giving the gift.
Post # 62: If you can provide a quote from me that contradicts what I've said, then you'd actually have an argument.
Post # 52: Even a sincerely repentant and believing individual deserves Hell. God's choice to save those who believe and repent is ALL OF GRACE. No one is saved because they deserve to be saved. Those who ask for forgiveness do not deserve to be forgiven just because they ask for it and they certainly don't deserve to be made an heir of God's Kingdom. That is GRACE ALONE.
Here we have the crux of the matter in contention.
He preaches unregenerate man’s free will ability to repent and believe.
In order to justify the biblical teaching that salvation is 100% the doing of God and zero % the doing of man, he then adds the unbiblical teaching that the sincerely repentant and believing individual may still be sent to Hell. If that individual is not sent to Hell then salvation is all of grace.
Skandelon’s errors are two-fold.
First, he is dishonest in his assessment of man’s role in salvation.
He teaches man’s faith and repentance is his natural work which he then presents to God.
Scripture teaches faith and repentance is God’s supernatural work of grace by which He gifts the Elect.
Therefore, Skandelon DOES NOT teach salvation is 100% of God’s grace.
His second grievous error is that which teaches the repentant believer can justly be sent to Hell, since he does not ‘deserve’ salvation.
Had Skandelon known that repentance and faith are the unrepentant gifts of God to those He DOES NOT WILL TO CONDEMN, Skandelon would never have made such a theological blunder.
For his information ALL unregenerate men deserve and await justice.
However, ALL repentant and believing men HAVE ALREADY received mercy and grace.
Those who have received mercy and grace are NO LONGER the objects of God’s wrath and justice.
Rather these supernatural spiritual gifts PROVE the eternal LOVE of God toward their recipients.
ALL repentant and believing men can be ASSURED that Christ has already taken their deserved punishment, fully satisfying divine justice.
God WILL NOT punish them twice, despite the ravings of 'Inspector' Clouseau.