You are correct. I was wrong. I simply failed to observe it was translated "boast" ten times and 117 times "praise."
Thank you. I sincerely appreciate that.
However, if you will look at those 10 times they support my view that it does not refer to "personal acheivement" but the boast is "in God" and "in the Lord" not in self.
Well, yes and no. I know exactly what you are saying, and I understand Skandelon as well. You are both correct. A Christian should boast of God.
You know, when we were kids, we all boasted about our Dad. He was the biggest, strongest, smartest, best athlete around. You know, "My dad can lick your dad".
It is the same with God. We have the best Father there is. We are children of the King. It is something to brag about, and folks are attracted to that.
Now, of course, we didn't merit anything, we are saved because of God's grace. Nevertheless, we are children of the living God and we should tell folks.
Furthermore, Christ completely contradicts Skandelon's interpretation that knowing God is by personal acheivement that you can boast in. There is simoly no evidence for Skandelon's interpetation and that is why he was forced to find his authority in Webster instead of scripture.
I think you are making more out of it than you should. The point is, we should not boast because we are rich, or powerful, or smart, or whatever, but we should boast that we are children of the living God and that we have a personal relationship with Jesus.
You know, people are attracted to that, that is something they want also. This has brought many people to Christ.
That is all Skan is saying.