In the thread Your Church Song Service, some of the respondents mentioned in passing about their practice regarding a cappella singing (without instrumental accompaniment).
Deacon said, "We rarely sing Acapulco," and Revmitchell wrote, "I do not allow acapella unless it is for emphasis on a single verse." questdriven stated, "I don't recall ever not using instruments, unless the people who played them weren't available."
While people may enjoy singing or hearing songs without instrumental accompaniment, I think it is fair to assume that most American churches use musical instruments in their worship services. It is my experience that churches that use musical instruments seldom if ever incorporate a cappella singing as any significant part of their services.
I wonder why? What is the reason your church does not sing a cappella?
Deacon said, "We rarely sing Acapulco," and Revmitchell wrote, "I do not allow acapella unless it is for emphasis on a single verse." questdriven stated, "I don't recall ever not using instruments, unless the people who played them weren't available."
While people may enjoy singing or hearing songs without instrumental accompaniment, I think it is fair to assume that most American churches use musical instruments in their worship services. It is my experience that churches that use musical instruments seldom if ever incorporate a cappella singing as any significant part of their services.
I wonder why? What is the reason your church does not sing a cappella?