Summary from Part 1:
Objective - reconcile calvinism and arminianism by refuting the root divisive error found in calvinist predestined reprobation/condemnation.
Implications of Single Predestination and Defense of Objections:
1. Implication: God does not predestine condemnation over the non-elect at the same time that He predestines salvation over the elect. He simply does no predestining nor promising to the non-elect right then.
a) Objection: It's not logical. If God predestines some to be saved, the others are condemned.
Defense: Logical fallacy to conclude Inverse as True. If God predestines some to be saved, the valid inference is that the others were not predestined to be saved - they could still have the means of salvation provided without the Promise.
b) Objection: Rom 9 states their being completed for destruction.
Defense: While election occurs before the ages, the hardening of the non-elect by God occurs after they have filled their measure of iniquity for which they are completed for destruction.
c) Objection: God is not Sovereign if He does not predestine condemnation too.
Defense: He is still Sovereign if it is His own decree to provide conditional means of salvation and He decrees condemnation after the non-elect fail the conditional of faith.
d) Objection: God indirectly predestines condemnation over the non-elect by choosing to leave them in their default condemnation given the fall while predestining salvation for the elect alone.
Defense: This is the Infra-Supra conundrum. Nobody can be specifically condemned at the time of God's election since His election does not factor in any of man's good or evil.
Objective - reconcile calvinism and arminianism by refuting the root divisive error found in calvinist predestined reprobation/condemnation.
Implications of Single Predestination and Defense of Objections:
1. Implication: God does not predestine condemnation over the non-elect at the same time that He predestines salvation over the elect. He simply does no predestining nor promising to the non-elect right then.
a) Objection: It's not logical. If God predestines some to be saved, the others are condemned.
Defense: Logical fallacy to conclude Inverse as True. If God predestines some to be saved, the valid inference is that the others were not predestined to be saved - they could still have the means of salvation provided without the Promise.
b) Objection: Rom 9 states their being completed for destruction.
Defense: While election occurs before the ages, the hardening of the non-elect by God occurs after they have filled their measure of iniquity for which they are completed for destruction.
c) Objection: God is not Sovereign if He does not predestine condemnation too.
Defense: He is still Sovereign if it is His own decree to provide conditional means of salvation and He decrees condemnation after the non-elect fail the conditional of faith.
d) Objection: God indirectly predestines condemnation over the non-elect by choosing to leave them in their default condemnation given the fall while predestining salvation for the elect alone.
Defense: This is the Infra-Supra conundrum. Nobody can be specifically condemned at the time of God's election since His election does not factor in any of man's good or evil.