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I would have to examine a specific verse to give an answer on that specific verse, but for a general answer to a general statement I would question whether God indeed wants (as in it is Gods determined will that it be so) that every person without exception should repent ... and I would turn to this scripture discussion:if God does not offer even the beginnings of the path to salvation to the non-elect given His predestined condemnation, how does the calvinist read God's desire for them to repent and live?
[Romans 9:6-13 NASB] 6 But [it is] not as though the word of God has failed. For they are not all Israel who are [descended] from Israel; 7 nor are they all children because they are Abraham's descendants, but: "THROUGH ISAAC YOUR DESCENDANTS WILL BE NAMED." 8 That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants. 9 For this is the word of promise: "AT THIS TIME I WILL COME, AND SARAH SHALL HAVE A SON." 10 And not only this, but there was Rebekah also, when she had conceived [twins] by one man, our father Isaac; 11 for though [the twins] were not yet born and had not done anything good or bad, so that God's purpose according to [His] choice would stand, not because of works but because of Him who calls, 12 it was said to her, "THE OLDER WILL SERVE THE YOUNGER." 13 Just as it is written, "JACOB I LOVED, BUT ESAU I HATED."
- "it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants." ... God clearly desires His children to repent, but even God states that not all are His children
- "so that God's purpose according to [His] choice would stand ... because of Him who calls" ... Our salvation is not about US, rather it is about GOD'S PURPOSE and BECAUSE of GOD.
- "JACOB I LOVED, BUT ESAU I HATED" ... God's purpose includes both those called to be His children and those destined for destruction.
- "He has mercy on whom He desires, and He hardens whom He desires." ... God claims an active role in both showing grace to the saved and "hardening" those already unsaved.
- "Or does not the potter have a right over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for common use?" ... God has the right to create some for the purpose of receiving His blessing and some for the purpose of receiving His wrath.
- "And [He did so] to make known the riches of His glory" ... God's actions are not about 'fairness', but about making GOD'S GLORY known.
Without a doubt God is not OBLIGATED to give every person a chance at repentance and salvation. It is even POSSIBLE that God does not desire for every person to repent (in the sense that God is willing to lift a finger to make it happen). What remains to be seen from the REST OF SCRIPTURE is whether a strong case can be made that in spite of the fact that God is not obligated and may not actively do anything to save everyone, that the Repentance and Salvation of EVERY PERSON WITHOUT EXCEPTION might be a desire of God.
So you have claimed God desires, and this I have not been convinced of. However, any verses that you find must still be harmonized with Romans 9.