As a child and an early teen I remember attending a CHURCH OF GOD and recall hearing different members testify to the fact that they did not commit sin. I remember one particular lady state "That she was Saved Sanctified and had not committed a sin in x amount of years." (This was years ago and I can't remember the number she stated.) I also recall that in addition to Redemption they also believe in Santification as a separate work of Grace. They stated that when you were Sanctfied the carnal nature (Old Man as it was often referred to as) was removed and you were free from sin. And no longer committed sin.
The reason I am asking this is that I have heard that this is also in Nazarene Doctrine as well as associated with early Wesleyan Methodist. I would like to know if any of you brothers or sisters have ever encountered or heard this
The reason I am asking this is that I have heard that this is also in Nazarene Doctrine as well as associated with early Wesleyan Methodist. I would like to know if any of you brothers or sisters have ever encountered or heard this