One neglected area of debate in the C vs A war is regarding the salvation of sinners - SINNERS. I mean folks who are sinners through and through. Rebels; Usurpers. . . men who hate God. In other words, His enemies.
Calvinism explains how these are saved. Arminianism does not. God is looking for goodness, in the Arminian view. He is looking for a spark of light. He is looking for a deserving one. One who has already repented and displayed faith PRIOR to being saved, demonstrating his own goodness.
What hope does the enemy of God have if Arminianism is true?
Calvinism explains how these are saved. Arminianism does not. God is looking for goodness, in the Arminian view. He is looking for a spark of light. He is looking for a deserving one. One who has already repented and displayed faith PRIOR to being saved, demonstrating his own goodness.
What hope does the enemy of God have if Arminianism is true?