At what point in the Bible did God, Jesus or a disciple give us the idea that we should build homes and church buildings and communities and establish roots and create for ourselves a "home" that most of us would never leave except for the occasional vacation? When did the idea that a church was more than a place to support the elderly and widows and train up believers before we commenced fulfilling the Great Commission? Are we really only to send a handful of people, missionaries, while the rest of us sit around fat and happy and comfortable? When did anything big happen in the Bible that did not begin with, "Go, leave it all behind?"
This is something I have had on my heart the past couple weeks since a really good discussion in Sunday school class. We have created lives that seem to me to be the antithesis of the Great Commission which we are all under. Recently, while discussing this topic, someone said, "We were not meant to be settled, we were meant to be sent."
This is something I have had on my heart the past couple weeks since a really good discussion in Sunday school class. We have created lives that seem to me to be the antithesis of the Great Commission which we are all under. Recently, while discussing this topic, someone said, "We were not meant to be settled, we were meant to be sent."