First report on autopsy of Michael Brown:|htmlws-main-bb|dl1|sec1_lnk3&pLid=516560
Just before the Revolutionary War broke, there was the "Shot heard Around the World!" Will these six shots be as famous at the one that started our countries break from English rule?
Will these six bullets lead to a change in the way our laws are administered and enforced? I sure hope so, because it doesn't matter what the color of that individual's skin was, what matter was that a human being was killed, and the more that comes out on the incident in Ferguson, the more damning it looks for that cop!
The question will not be, be can peace be restored to this small suburb to St. Louis. But rather, will trust ever be regained by the public towards the police force in Ferguson, as well as the police and sheriff's all around this country?
What do you think?
Just before the Revolutionary War broke, there was the "Shot heard Around the World!" Will these six shots be as famous at the one that started our countries break from English rule?
Will these six bullets lead to a change in the way our laws are administered and enforced? I sure hope so, because it doesn't matter what the color of that individual's skin was, what matter was that a human being was killed, and the more that comes out on the incident in Ferguson, the more damning it looks for that cop!
The question will not be, be can peace be restored to this small suburb to St. Louis. But rather, will trust ever be regained by the public towards the police force in Ferguson, as well as the police and sheriff's all around this country?
What do you think?