Debby in Philly
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Six days? My God is big enough and powerful enough to do anything. Not a problem.
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The point I was trying to make - you have made it for me. You take the literal and re-interpret to suit yourself! The difference between us is, I realize I am doing that, and you do not.Originally posted by Helen:
Paul, the word 'miseo' in the Greek which is translated 'hate' by the translators, also means 'to love less'. We do have Concordances, you know...
Are you familiar with Helen's theological position on original sin? I am! Are you familiar with my theological position of original sin? Apparently NOT!That is one of the most ridiculous assertions ever made.
According to you it is helpful to question the book that provides the very basis for the plan of salvation? Man fell through Adam. If Adam didn't literally fall, we aren't literally lost.
Of course since none of us has made such an assertion here your comment's only value is to demonstrate that you perhaps make the unsupported assertion that evolution = science.Originally posted by Craigbythesea:
The mindset that the Bible is true and science is of the devil has, in the minds of tens of millions, relegated Christianity to the realm of stupid, ignorant nonsense.
Note that these people are humble and not so wise that their hearts have become hardened to God.Christianity is flourishing in 3rd world countries where the masses have very little knowledge of science, but in the rest of the world, Christianity is dying.
Most certainly anyone whose pride and vanity based on their own intelligence prevents them from believing what God has said is very much accountable and responsible for their own soul.The scientists are not at fault, the Christians who mutilate science to make it conform to their profoundly ignorant interpretation of the Bible are at fault, and the blood of very many souls in hell is on their hands.
The imputation of Adam's sin does not come from Calvin; it has been taught by the Church throughout Her history (howbeit with much opposition). And I am MOST CERTAINLY NOT a Calvinist!Craig, Yes I believe that Romans 5 says that Adam's sin is imputed to all. He is also representative- meaning that I believe that any and all of us would have done the same thing he did. I believe that we are guilty by choice as well as our depraved nature inherited from Adam.
I am familiar with Helen's opposition to calvinism. I differ with her on that point.
How do you know what the process was for the earth's core to form and for water to surround the earth's core? You don't.Originally posted by Helen:
The creation of the planet earth surrounded in water could be what God is talking about in Job 38 and not the flood of Noah. Neither of us knows for certain.
That could not be creation, for no waters burst out of anywhere at that time. The point at which the BIBLE says they burst was in Genesis 7:11, at the initiation of Noah's Flood.
There WERE waters in the beginning, and the Hebrew wording in Genesis 1:2 indicates they may have been surging. But there is no indication of them bursting forth from any 'womb'. This is what happened in the Flood when the waters under the crust reached a critical point of pressure/heat and tore through weak spots in the earth's crust in a massive, catastrophic episode.
Thus the 'thick clouds' are associated with the Flood, not with creation.