I realize that. And I realize that you are always very careful with what you say. But I felt the need to chime in so as to show that your inclusive category didn't apply to everyone.
Then there was no reason for you to comment to that comment.
Actually, there was a very good reason. To allow a non-germane subject to come up, pulling sympathy from one cause to another, diminishes the first cause in the eyes of some. I was making sure that failure to sympathize with one does not negate the actuality of the another. It works both ways.
And the fact that those 6 mothers had children killed by illegals doesn't negate the fact that thousands of black mothers have had kids killed by police.
I was going to go after your use of "thousands", but in the absence of a timeline there's no point. According to most sources, roughly two black men were killed by police each week (justified or not) in 2015 (102 total). So, in ten years there would be 1000, assuming consistent rates, and if you're looking at 20 years or more, your use of "thousands" would be justified.
Empathy for one but not the other is what I touched on in re the OP and others like him.
I know that you're not grouping me in with those that don't show empathy towards the blacks that are killed. But you're detracting from one issue in order to bring a second issue to light, rather than showing issues equally, and thus become guilty yourself of showing empathy to one and not the other.
White people just can't seem to make up their minds with BLM. First folks were upset because they weren't saying ALL Lives. Now they'll get more serious consideration when they stop talking about the implied inclusion of ALL lives?
Nope. Getting upset means that they understand that folks are STILL missing the reason why they said it the way that they did in the first place, which is part of the reason why they didn't initially say BLM Too.
I know that you understand my point, whether you agree with it or not (obviously, you disagree). But, for the sake of moving forward, my point is that it is impossible to include yourself with everyone while simultaneously excluding everyone else.
(Disclaimer: I'm not trying to offend with this next stream of comments. I'm just trying to make a point.) Do black lives matter? Yes. Do white lives matter? Yes. Do red lives matter? Yes. Do yellow lives matter? Yes. Do brown lives matter? Yes.
It doesn't matter the color of your skin, your life matters. It doesn't matter your social status, your life matters. It doesn't matter where you live, your life matters.
An inclusive "lives matter" would do so much towards reconciling the growing gap between the skin colors. It shouldn't be white versus black, or brown vs white, or any color combination. It should be "us", "we", etc.